Alzaaq | The area is deposited squarely, and today was the actual start of the Shabt season, the second of the winter seasons
Weather of Arabia - The weather expert, Dr. Khaled bin Saleh Al-Zaqqaq, said that tomorrow, Tuesday, is the start of the first season of Shabbat, which is the second actual winter season after the square.
He added, "During this season, the coldness is transmitted from the ground to the sky, meaning that the cold inside the houses is moderate, and the outside is cold if the wind moves."
today :
The first day of Shabbat is the season of cunning winds
In it, the varieties of spring sowing are differentiated, trees revive with leaves, and birds prepare for spawning
Its duration is 26 days, and by the end of it, winter begins to gradually shrink
And its rains benefit the earth, and spring sprouts in the lands that have not been marked by rain— Dr. Khaled Saleh Al Zaaq (@dralzaaq) January 11, 2022
He continued: The winds will be volatile and fluctuating. So there is a disturbance in the windows and doors. Noting that the public used to say, "February Muqraq Al-Biban."
Al-Zaaq explained that winter has a beginning, an intensity, and an end. Its beginning is with the Safar season in September, its intensity with the square season, and Shabbat in December and January, and its end with the Humaymin season in April.
He completed: Winter has 90 days, 40 days of which are square, and 50 days are divided between scorpions and scorpions.
And “Al-Zaqaq” said: One of the legends that was told is that “Al-Murba’aniyyah” when it was about to leave the climatic system recommended its naughty son “February”, saying: “Oh, my son, you see me, I did not hurt you, you have to eat what he ate, and his fire is a leaf, and do not come close to what he ate dates.” And his fire is Samar."
Source: previously
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