Saudi Arabia | Al-Faqa competes with gold prices, and one kilo has exceeded 1000 riyals!
Arab Weather - Al-Ekhbariya channel report sheds light on the Al-Faqqa Festival in Al-Qassim, explaining that the diversity of festivals and agricultural products has become a feature of the Al-Qassim region.
The report indicated: “The faq festival has begun to compete with gold prices, with transactions amounting to 50 million riyals, and a special festival will be held for it, worthy of its fans and connoisseurs.”
One of the participants in the Al-Faqqa Festival said: "The festival is its first year, and we were surprised by the prices, which reached 5,000 riyals, as one kilo exceeded 1,000 riyals."
a witness ..
The prices of "Faqa" compete with gold, with a value of up to 50 million riyals.
- Breaking news (@AJELNEWS24) January 29, 2022
Another participant explained: “Producing families with us have gained a large share,” while the report noted: “Truffle cultivation has become an attractive factor to attract visitors and tourists for winter tourism in the Qassim region.”
A third participant said: “Fakqa, we start irrigation from 25/9, after about 60 days, signs of spaghetti appear and continue for the month of December until the end of March, i.e. 3 months and half of the spaghetti is present.”
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