Egypt | Continuation of heat waves... A new heat wave at the end of the week continues on the Day of Arafah and the first day of Eid, with temperatures exceeding the mid-forties.

Written By هشام جمال on 2024/06/11

This article was written originally in Arabic and is translated using a 3rd party automated service. ArabiaWeather is not responsible for any grammatical errors whatsoever.

Arabia Weather - Weather specialists at the Arab Weather Center are monitoring the successive heat waves affecting the Republic of Egypt, which will be on the verge of a new and exhausting heat wave starting Wednesday and intensifying the rest of the days of the week as it continues on the Day of Arafat and during the blessed Eid al-Adha holiday, and the extremely hot weather that accompanies it in A frame of recording temperatures that may exceed the mid-forties in several regions, especially northern Lower Egypt.


Arab Weather specialists: A strong air force causes the growth of a blazing air mass over Egypt, starting on Wednesday.


Arabian weather specialists said that the latest computer outputs on the behavior of air masses show that Egypt will be affected, starting on Wednesday and increasing on Thursday, by a strong and exhausting heat wave resulting from the intensification of the upper air pressure, which causes an increase in surface heating of the air, and thus there will be a significant rise in temperatures on Wednesday and Thursday. To be higher than their average for this time of year, from 5-8 degrees Celsius, and the weather will be extremely hot and exhausting in all regions, with maximum temperatures approaching the mid-40s in neighborhoods of Greater Cairo and North Lower Egypt, especially during the afternoon hours of Thursday, (with the exception of... The northern coastal areas are exposed to the direct effects of the heat wave, as they are exposed to marine air currents that make them less hot than the rest of the regions, and the weather is relatively hot)


The winds are moderate northeasterly, sometimes active and stirring up sand in open areas.

The heat wave intensified in Egypt on Friday and Saturday, with a scorching hot air mass centered over the country

In the details, a blazing center of extremely hot air mass is located in the airspace of Egypt on Friday and Saturday, causing the heat wave to reach its peak, and thus temperatures will continue to rise further to be higher than their averages for this time of the year by about 7-9 degrees Celsius, and the weather will be blazing in various regions of the Republic. The winds will be northerly to northerly, moderate in speed, accompanied by active gusts that stir up sand and cause a decrease in horizontal visibility, especially in the governorates of Upper Egypt.

Maximum temperatures also range from 43-46 degrees Celsius in various regions of Egypt at the peak of the heat wave, including northern Lower Egypt and neighborhoods of Greater Cairo, God willing, especially with Saturday, which coincides with the Day of Arafat.


Computer modeling: The heat wave continues in Egypt during Eid al-Adha, but with less intensity than before

The specialists at the Arab Regional Weather Center indicated that the heat wave will continue to affect Egypt during the period of Eid al-Adha, but with a slight decline compared to the previous days, as hot to very hot weather continues in most regions of the Republic, and maximum temperatures during the day remain within the range of 40 degrees Celsius to above. This is in most regions, including Greater Cairo and North Lower Egypt, God willing.


God knows.

This article was written originally in Arabic and is translated using a 3rd party automated service. ArabiaWeather is not responsible for any grammatical errors whatsoever.

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