arabia weather friends posts

Jordan | Summary of the impact of the second-class depression

Jordan | Summary of the impact of the second-class depression

Sunday | The Kingdom begins to be affected by a second-class air depression (normal)

Sunday | The Kingdom begins to be affected by a second-class air depression (normal)

Jordan Weekly Newsletter | Low air at the weekend and temperatures vary in the rest

Jordan Weekly Newsletter | Low air at the weekend and temperatures vary in the rest

Jordan - Sunday | A second degree (normal) air depression that brings rain and low temperatures

Jordan - Sunday | A second degree (normal) air depression that brings rain and low temperatures

Saturday | A slight rise in temperatures with the emergence of a gradual state of instability

Saturday | A slight rise in temperatures with the emergence of a gradual state of instability

Jordan | Air instability on Saturday in the forefront of an air depression affecting the Kingdom at the beginning of the week

Jordan | Air instability on Saturday in the forefront of an air depression affecting the Kingdom at the beginning of the week

Friday | Pleasant weather during the day and relatively cold at night

Friday | Pleasant weather during the day and relatively cold at night

Jordan - Weekend | The impact of the Red Sea depression intensified in conjunction with a state of atmospheric instability

Jordan - Weekend | The impact of the Red Sea depression intensified in conjunction with a state of atmospheric instability

Iraq | The effect of the state of air instability on the south of the country intensified and alerts from torrents

Iraq | The effect of the state of air instability on the south of the country intensified and alerts from torrents

Thursday | The weather remains nice as random rain continues

Thursday | The weather remains nice as random rain continues

Tonight | Cold and foggy weather in large areas of the plains and the desert

Tonight | Cold and foggy weather in large areas of the plains and the desert

Cumulus clouds development in the middle and south of the bank

Cumulus clouds development in the middle and south of the bank