12 Amazing Facts About Space and Astronomy

2024-08-21 2024-08-21T19:55:48Z
ندى ماهر عبدربه
ندى ماهر عبدربه
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Arab Weather - Yalla Trade - Space is one of the greatest mysteries that has attracted the attention of humans since time immemorial. It is the limitless expanse that surrounds our planet and includes everything from stars and galaxies to planets and moons. Space is characterized by darkness and extreme cold, and is filled with a vacuum that lacks air and matter. This unique environment has unique properties that make it an exciting subject for research and exploration, such as low gravity, cosmic rays, and large energy fields.

Space research contains as yet undiscovered cosmic secrets, from the origin of the universe to the nature of dark matter and dark energy. The study of space requires advanced technology and deep knowledge of physics and astronomy, as humanity seeks to understand how the universe was formed and evolved, as well as the possibility of life on other planets. Space, with its wonders and challenges, is a starting point for new discoveries that will change our understanding of the world around us.

The most important facts about space and astronomy:

  1. Lemon-shaped Moon: Although it appears in the sky as a spherical body, the Moon's shape is not perfectly round. In fact, the Moon resembles a lemon, with flat poles and bulges on the near and far sides around its equator. This strange shape is believed to have arisen from interactions between the Moon and Earth shortly after the Moon's formation.
  2. The Smell of the Milky Way: In 2009, astronomers discovered that a huge cloud of gas and dust at the center of our Milky Way galaxy contains a chemical known as ethyl formate, which gives berries their flavor and has a rum-like smell. There's also a large amount of ethanol, a type of alcohol, in an area close enough to supply every person on Earth with 300,000 pints of beer a day for the next billion years.
  3. A day longer than a year on Mercury: A day on Mercury lasts 59 Earth days, while a Mercury year lasts 88 days, but because of its unique orbit around the Sun, a solar day on Mercury is 176 Earth days long, twice as long as a year.
  4. Surviving in a Leaking Spacesuit: If your spacesuit leaks in space, you may be able to survive for a few minutes. After about 10 seconds, you will lose consciousness due to the depressurization, your body fluids will start to boil, and the rapid lack of oxygen will cause you to die within a minute or two.
  5. Neutron star weight: A teaspoon of neutron star matter would weigh more than a trillion kilograms, which is equivalent to the weight of the entire population of the Earth. These dense stars are made up of neutrons packed into a very small radius.
  6. Gamma-ray bursts: Gamma-ray bursts release more energy in 10 seconds than our Sun does in its entire lifetime. These extremely powerful explosions are caused by the collapse of a massive star or the merger of two neutron stars.
  7. Invisible stars: Some stars that formed in the early universe are now so far away that we cannot see them even with the best telescopes, and we can try to observe them indirectly through the radiation they emit.
  8. White Holes: Black holes, which are known for their intense gravity, have an opposite theory known as white holes. While black holes absorb matter, white holes release light and matter.
  9. Jupiter's magnetic field: Jupiter's magnetic field is larger than the Moon's, and this magnetic field interacts with charged particles in the solar wind and forms a large magnetosphere surrounding the planet.
  10. Neptune's orbit: Neptune takes 165 years to complete one orbit around the Sun, and since its discovery in 1846, Neptune did not complete a single orbit around the Sun until 2011.
  11. Rogue planets: Astronomers estimate that there are more than 200 billion planets roaming our galaxy without a host star. Some of these planets were ejected from their parent systems, while others formed independently of stars.
  12. The Sun's loss of mass: The Sun loses about a billion kilograms of matter every second, equivalent to the weight of the Earth every 185 million years, due to hot particles it releases as part of the solar wind.

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This article was written originally in Arabic and is translated using a 3rd party automated service. ArabiaWeather is not responsible for any grammatical errors whatsoever.
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