Important instructions to help you protect yourself and your home from floods and torrents

2023-11-13 2023-11-13T18:37:17Z
طقس العرب
طقس العرب
فريق تحرير طقس العرب

Arabia Weather - In the winter, with the onset of rainy weather conditions, many areas are exposed to the risk of flowing valleys, torrents, and floods. How do these phenomena occur and how do you protect yourself from their occurrence?


How are floods? What are its risks?

Floods are the most common type of natural disaster, and occur when excess water inundates normally dry lands. Floods are often caused by heavy rainfall, rapid snowmelt, or a storm surge caused by a tropical cyclone or tsunami in coastal areas.

Floods can cause widespread devastation, resulting in loss of life and damage to personal property and essential public health infrastructure.

There are 3 common types of floods:

  • Flash floods are caused by intense, heavy rain that quickly raises water levels and can overflow rivers, streams, canals or roads.
  • River floods are caused by continuous heavy rain or melting snow such that the river exceeds its carrying capacity.
  • Coastal flooding is caused by severe storms associated with tropical cyclones and tsunamis.


There are many factors that contribute to a flood turning into a major and dangerous disaster


  1. The presence of buildings next to floodplains or in the depths of valleys
  2. The presence of buildings that are not qualified to resist floods
  3. Lack of sufficient awareness to deal with floods
  4. Desertification and the inability of the land to absorb rain
  5. Poor infrastructure in the streets and areas where heavy rain falls

A flood can be very dangerous if the water level rises quickly, and when the water is so strong that it sweeps away vehicles, trees, and rocks with it, destroying everything the flood passes next to, apart from the depth of the flood.


Here are some important recommendations and instructions to help you deal with floods and torrents


Recommendations before floods and torrents occur

Here is a set of measures that help protect against floods and torrents before they occur:

  • Follow developments: Be careful and monitor the area around you through local communication and media outlets to obtain the latest developments and official instructions.
  • Move to elevated areas: If warnings are issued by civil authorities, move to elevated areas and move away from low-lying areas quickly.
  • Use sandbags: Use sandbags to protect your home and prevent water leakage, by placing them on the main doors and around the house.
  • Avoid flooded roads: Avoid using roads where flooding has begun to develop rapidly.
  • Preparing for the evacuation: Be prepared for the evacuation, determine the meeting place and the routes you will follow, and make sure the car’s tank is filled with fuel.
  • Family emergency plan: Make sure all family members know the emergency plan and have identified a meeting place in the event of an escape.
  • Collect necessary equipment and materials: Collect basic equipment and necessary supplies such as water, food, money, and a first aid kit.
  • Emergency supplies: Prepare a battery-powered radio, flashlights, extra batteries, and important documents.


Measures to protect the home from flood risks can be enhanced through some modifications that protect the property. Below are some important tips:

  • Moving valuables: Moving valuables to the upper levels of the house reduces the risk of damage due to flooding.
  • Transporting hazardous materials: Ensure that dangerous materials, such as paints and cleaning equipment, are transported to high and safe places to avoid any negative effects.
  • Disconnect electrical appliances: Disconnect electrical appliances from electricity sources to avoid damage and to protect your home from electrical dangers.
  • Securing outdoor property: Bring outdoor property into the home or securely secure it, such as garden furniture, to avoid loss or damage as a result of flooding.



Recommendations during floods and torrents

The most important measures that must be taken to protect against floods and torrents during their occurrence:

  • Avoid driving unless necessary: You should avoid driving unless there is an urgent need to move.
  • Follow safe routes: Avoid flood affected areas and follow safe routes recommended by the authorities.
  • Exit the vehicle quickly: If the vehicle stops in a flooded area, abandon it immediately and find a nearby higher area.
  • Do not drive in high water: Avoid driving in areas flooded with water, as 60 centimeters of water can wash away the car.
  • Stay away from electrical wires: Avoid areas that contain electrical wires to avoid the dangers of electrical current.
  • Protect life first: If there is a threat to your life, take the necessary measures to protect yourself before your property.
  • Shut off home utilities: Before leaving home, make sure water, electricity, and gas are turned off.
  • Close windows and doors: Close all windows and doors to prevent water from seeping into the house.
  • Do not walk in water: Avoid walking or swimming in water, and if the water level rises, try to leave the area quickly.



Recommendations after floods and torrents

Here are the most important measures that must be followed for protection after floods and torrents:

  • Check the safety of the place: Make sure the place is safe before returning home.
  • Be careful returning home: be careful not to walk on roads that are still flooded.
  • Check the building carefully: Do not enter the building if there is water around, and check it carefully to ensure there are no damages that pose a risk to your life.
  • Wear waterproof shoes: Wear appropriate shoes, as most injuries occur to the feet during disasters.
  • Use a flashlight: Use only a flashlight to avoid electrical problems.
  • Check for gas leaks or electrical short circuits: Leave the house if there is a gas leak or electrical short circuit and find a safe place.
  • Inspect the structure and impacts: Check the condition of walls, doors, windows, and floors to avoid collapse accidents.
  • Leave windows and doors open for ventilation: Leave windows and doors open to ventilate the house.
  • Disposal of contaminated materials: Dispose of all food and beverages damaged by flood waters.
  • Disconnecting electricity: Leave the electricity disconnected at home until an expert inspects the damage and rehabilitates the electrical system.





Global Health Organization


This article was written originally in Arabic and is translated using a 3rd party automated service. ArabiaWeather is not responsible for any grammatical errors whatsoever.
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