Jordan | Weather conditions and expected temperatures for Friday 1-7-2024 AD

2024-07-03 2024-07-03T20:39:48Z
سنان خلف
سنان خلف
محرر أخبار جوية- قسم التواصل الاجتماعي

Arab Weather - The latest weather forecasts indicate that the weather on Friday, 7-5-2024 AD, will be as follows:

  • Temperatures will rise further, becoming higher than average by 6-8 degrees Celsius.

  • The weather is hot in general, and very hot in the Jordan Valley, the Dead Sea and Aqaba areas.

  • The winds will be westerly, moderate speed, and become active in the afternoon hours.

Expected weather conditions in the Gulf of Aqaba on Friday, 7-5-2024 AD:

Weather in the Gulf of Aqaba:

  • Winds: northerly, light to moderate speed.

  • Sea condition and wave height: Light wave height (10-20 cm).

  • Seawater surface temperature: 27°C.

The expected weather condition in Jordan on Friday night, 7/5/2024 AD

  • The weather is generally moderate, with scattered clouds appearing in some areas.
  • The winds will be moderate northwesterly.

Weather conditions and expected temperatures in Jordan on Friday, 7-5-2024 AD

Weather in Irbid Governorate :

  • hot
  • The expected maximum temperature in Irbid: 35°
  • The expected minimum temperature in Irbid: 22 °

Weather in Ajloun Governorate :

  • hot
  • The expected maximum temperature in Ajloun: 35 °
  • The expected minimum temperature in Ajloun: 22 °

Weather in Jerash Governorate :

  • hot
  • The expected maximum temperature in Jerash: 37 °
  • The expected minimum temperature in Jerash: 24 °

Weather in Mafraq Governorate :

  • hot
  • The expected maximum temperature in Mafraq: 38 °
  • The expected minimum temperature in Mafraq: 21°

Weather in Balqa Governorate :

  • Clear
  • The expected maximum temperature in Balqa: 35°
  • The expected minimum temperature in Balqa: 20°

Weather in the capital, Amman :

  • Clear
  • The expected maximum temperature in Amman: 34°
  • The expected minimum temperature in Amman: 24°

Weather in Zarqa Governorate :

  • Clear
  • The expected maximum temperature in Zarqa: 39°
  • The expected minimum temperature in Zarqa: 22 °

Weather in Madaba Governorate :

  • hot
  • The expected maximum temperature in Madaba: 35 °
  • The expected minimum temperature in Madaba: 20 °

Weather in Karak Governorate :

  • hot
  • The expected maximum temperature in Karak: 35°
  • The expected minimum temperature in Karak: 20 degrees

Weather in Tafila Governorate :

  • hot
  • The expected maximum temperature in Tafila: 35
  • The expected minimum temperature in Tafileh: 19°

Weather in Ma'an Governorate :

  • hot
  • The expected maximum temperature in Ma'an: 37 °
  • The expected minimum temperature in Ma'an: 23 °

Weather in Aqaba Governorate :

  • hot
  • The expected maximum temperature in Aqaba: 45°
  • The expected minimum temperature in Aqaba: 28 degrees
This article was written originally in Arabic and is translated using a 3rd party automated service. ArabiaWeather is not responsible for any grammatical errors whatsoever.
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