Jordan | Has the Kingdom really witnessed temperatures in the fifties throughout history? Learn about the highest temperatures recorded in the Kingdom through this report

2024-07-14 2024-07-14T16:47:56Z
عامر المعايطة
عامر المعايطة
كاتب مُحتوى جوّي

Arabia Weather - The month of July is approaching its midday and is free of heat waves, praise be to God. As of the writing of this report, the weather affecting the Kingdom to date is considered to be within the usual summer weather in the month of July, despite temperatures rising above the general average from time to time.

The weather specialists at the Arab Weather Center said that the Kingdom is still far from heat waves until now, and this is due, God willing, to the prevailing weather system in the northern part of the Earth, whose behavior until now forces the extremely hot air masses to move away from the Kingdom.

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Because the Kingdom is affected, like other regions of the world, by climate changes and fluctuations that occur in the movement of the atmosphere, we find that the summer months differ in the Kingdom from each year to another, as the Kingdom witnesses in some seasons a hot and exhausting summer, while the summer sometimes ends in the Kingdom free of heat waves and temperatures. High temperature.

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In this report, we review some of the high and extreme temperatures recorded by the Kingdom in previous years, including the following:

  • The highest maximum temperature in the Kingdom was recorded in the Central Jordan Valley region at the University Farm Station on 06/09/2002, reaching 50 degrees Celsius, 12 degrees Celsius higher than the average.
  • The longest heat wave lasted 8 days from 07/25/2000 until 08/01/2000, where the highest maximum temperature recorded reached 47 degrees Celsius at the University Farm station on 07/30/2000, 7.3 degrees Celsius higher than its average.
  • The highest maximum temperature recorded in the city of Amman was on 07/30/2000 and 08/20/2010, reaching 43.5 degrees Celsius, an increase of 11 degrees Celsius above the average.
  • The longest heat wave in the city of Amman was in 1978 and lasted for 6 days from 07/12/1978 until 07/17/1978, where the maximum recorded 42.4 degrees Celsius on 07/13/1978, which was 10.5 degrees Celsius higher than the average for the same day.

This article was written originally in Arabic and is translated using a 3rd party automated service. ArabiaWeather is not responsible for any grammatical errors whatsoever.
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