Saudi Arabia | Al-Musnad: The severity of turbulence increased by 40% in some regions of the Kingdom and the reason

2024-06-25 2024-06-25T11:13:47Z
ندى ماهر عبدربه
ندى ماهر عبدربه
صانعة مُحتوى

ArabiaWeather - Climate changes are among the environmental challenges that most impact our daily lives, and the world is increasingly witnessing their multiple manifestations, from rising temperatures to extreme weather phenomena. In the context of these changes, the issue of turbulence emerges as one of the worrisome effects, especially with the increase in air travel. In this article, we review the statements of climate professor Abdullah Al-Misnad, who pointed out a 40% increase in turbulence accidents in some areas of Saudi Arabia due to climate change. So how dangerous is it, and how can the world deal with it?

See also:

What are turbulence and what are their types?

What are turbulence?

We have often heard the plane pilot's warnings while traveling about the necessity of fastening your seat belt as we approach turbulence, without delving scientifically into their causes, what they are, and how they occur. With climate scientists warning that aviation will face a noticeable increase in the number of bumps in the future and their severity due to climate change, it has become necessary to delve deeper into understanding how these bumps form and their impact on the aircraft.

Turbulence occurs frequently during flights, and is the biggest concern for passengers, causing them discomfort, although in most cases they do not pose a significant danger to the aircraft. Turbulence is a state of instability in the air surrounding an aircraft, and occurs for several reasons, the most prominent of which is the movement of air in river-like currents known as jet streams. These currents are fast air passages found at high altitudes, especially between areas of warm and cold air.

Most turbulence can form within clouds when the wind movement is erratic, but some of them occur without the presence of clouds and are known as “clear turbulence.” They are dangerous because they are not visible on radar, which surprises the pilot and prevents him from warning passengers in advance.

According to experts, this type of turbulence occurs in the jet stream, which is a fast flow of air at an altitude of 40,000 to 60,000 feet. Scientists point out that climate change is likely to increase the occurrence of bumps that cannot be detected by radar. This type of turbulence is caused by the difference between the air speed in the jet stream and the surrounding air, and is often encountered by travelers between Europe and North America.

Cause of turbulence

There are several main causes of turbulence that aviation may encounter:

  • Weather fluctuations:

Changes in atmospheric pressure, winds, and air currents may lead to sudden bumps.
Tropical and mountainous regions are more susceptible to these fluctuations than others.

  • Collision with air currents:

The plane may collide with strong air currents or in the opposite direction, leading to turbulence.

  • Weather turbulence:

Storms, hurricanes, and thunderstorms cause major disturbances in the atmosphere.

  • Human activities:

Nuclear explosions and missile tests may create temporary atmospheric disturbances.

To deal with turbulence while flying, here are some tips

  1. Wear a seat belt: Make sure to fasten your seat belt throughout the trip to avoid injuries.
  2. Relaxation and deep breathing: Being calm and not panicking helps overcome bumps.
  3. Refrain from moving: stay in your seat and avoid getting up unless necessary.
  4. Listen to the cabin crew's instructions: Follow the crew's instructions on dealing with turbulence.
  5. Eat light meals and drink fluids: This helps you feel comfortable during the flight.

See also:

What are the factors that cause turbulence?

What are the classifications of turbulence in terms of severity?



This article was written originally in Arabic and is translated using a 3rd party automated service. ArabiaWeather is not responsible for any grammatical errors whatsoever.
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