local weather news

important | The National Committee for Emergency Situations announces the shelter centers ready to activate in a number of the Sultanate's governorates

important | The National Committee for Emergency Situations announces the shelter centers ready to activate in a number of the Sultanate's governorates

Special weather bulletin - Cyclone Shaheen moves with full force to the depths of the Sea of Oman and threatens the Sultanate and the surrounding countries - Saturday 10/2-2021

Special weather bulletin - Cyclone Shaheen moves with full force to the depths of the Sea of Oman and threatens the Sultanate and the surrounding countries - Saturday 10/2-2021

Emirates | The National Center of Meteorology issues its forecast for Hurricane Shaheen for the coming hours

Emirates | The National Center of Meteorology issues its forecast for Hurricane Shaheen for the coming hours

Jordan | Relatively cold nights with thick fog forming over some areas until the middle of the week

Jordan | Relatively cold nights with thick fog forming over some areas until the middle of the week

Jordan | Mild autumn weather in most areas Sunday

Jordan | Mild autumn weather in most areas Sunday

Iraq Weekly Bulletin | Temperatures will drop again from Monday, and the weather will be cooler at night in some areas

Iraq Weekly Bulletin | Temperatures will drop again from Monday, and the weather will be cooler at night in some areas

Yemen Weekly Bulletin | Cold weather in the mountains during the day and intensification expected, separately from unstable weather conditions

Yemen Weekly Bulletin | Cold weather in the mountains during the day and intensification expected, separately from unstable weather conditions

Arabian Gulf | Tropical Cyclone Shaheen continues its way towards the Sultanate of Oman and expected effects on the UAE and parts of Saudi Arabia

Arabian Gulf | Tropical Cyclone Shaheen continues its way towards the Sultanate of Oman and expected effects on the UAE and parts of Saudi Arabia

Weekly Bulletin - Egypt | Temperatures around their averages, and an alert about the cold weather at night in some areas

Weekly Bulletin - Egypt | Temperatures around their averages, and an alert about the cold weather at night in some areas

Weekly Bulletin - Algeria | Temperatures will be lower than their average, with renewed chances of rain in the northern regions, starting from Monday

Weekly Bulletin - Algeria | Temperatures will be lower than their average, with renewed chances of rain in the northern regions, starting from Monday

Saudi Arabia | The National Center of Meteorology expects 7 regions to be affected by the indirect effects of Hurricane Shaheen

Saudi Arabia | The National Center of Meteorology expects 7 regions to be affected by the indirect effects of Hurricane Shaheen

Sultanate of Oman | Suspension of official working hours on Sunday and Monday due to Hurricane Shaheen

Sultanate of Oman | Suspension of official working hours on Sunday and Monday due to Hurricane Shaheen