local weather news

Weather condition and expected temperatures in Jordan on Saturday 2-10-2021

Weather condition and expected temperatures in Jordan on Saturday 2-10-2021

now | Satellites monitor the eye of Tropical Storm Shaheen in the Arabian Sea

now | Satellites monitor the eye of Tropical Storm Shaheen in the Arabian Sea

Tropical condition Shaheen is hours away from developing into a Category 1 hurricane

Tropical condition Shaheen is hours away from developing into a Category 1 hurricane

Special weather bulletin - Storm Shaheen is getting stronger and approaching the degree of hurricane - Friday 10/1/2021

Special weather bulletin - Storm Shaheen is getting stronger and approaching the degree of hurricane - Friday 10/1/2021

Weather of Arabia - Saudi Arabia | main weather forecast | Friday 10/1-2021

Weather of Arabia - Saudi Arabia | main weather forecast | Friday 10/1-2021

Arab Weather - Jordan | main weather forecast | Friday 10/1-2021

Arab Weather - Jordan | main weather forecast | Friday 10/1-2021

important | Oman Meteorology issues alert No. 1 about Tropical Storm Shaheen in the Arabian Sea

important | Oman Meteorology issues alert No. 1 about Tropical Storm Shaheen in the Arabian Sea

important | Storm Shaheen is getting stronger and approaching the degree of hurricane, and the Sultanate and the Emirates are within the circle of influence

important | Storm Shaheen is getting stronger and approaching the degree of hurricane, and the Sultanate and the Emirates are within the circle of influence

Jordan | Mild autumn weather in the mountains on Saturday tends to be hot during the afternoon and afternoon hours

Jordan | Mild autumn weather in the mountains on Saturday tends to be hot during the afternoon and afternoon hours

officially | Announcing the development of the tropical situation in the Arabian Sea into a tropical storm named `Shaheen`

officially | Announcing the development of the tropical situation in the Arabian Sea into a tropical storm named `Shaheen`

Released now | A new clarification from the Omani meteorologist about the developments of the tropical situation in the Arabian Sea

Released now | A new clarification from the Omani meteorologist about the developments of the tropical situation in the Arabian Sea

Weather of Arabia - Saudi Arabia | main weather forecast | Thursday 9-30-2021

Weather of Arabia - Saudi Arabia | main weather forecast | Thursday 9-30-2021