local weather news

Jordan - Weekend | Temperature fluctuations affect the Kingdom and warn of increased chances of cold and seasonal diseases

Jordan - Weekend | Temperature fluctuations affect the Kingdom and warn of increased chances of cold and seasonal diseases

Iraq - Weekend | Temperatures touching the middle of 40 degrees, with the continued activity of dusty winds

Iraq - Weekend | Temperatures touching the middle of 40 degrees, with the continued activity of dusty winds

Algeria | Areas concerned with rain forecast on Friday 09/17/2021

Algeria | Areas concerned with rain forecast on Friday 09/17/2021

Yemen - Weekend | Thunderstorms, active winds and turbulent waves affect the country

Yemen - Weekend | Thunderstorms, active winds and turbulent waves affect the country

Kuwait | Stable weather, temperatures touching the mid-40s, with active winds still blowing

Kuwait | Stable weather, temperatures touching the mid-40s, with active winds still blowing

Egypt | A moderate air mass and temperatures below their average continued in most regions during the weekend

Egypt | A moderate air mass and temperatures below their average continued in most regions during the weekend

Arabian Gulf | Chances of rain continue in southwest Saudi Arabia and improve in Oman and increase in temperatures in these areas

Arabian Gulf | Chances of rain continue in southwest Saudi Arabia and improve in Oman and increase in temperatures in these areas

Sultanate of Oman | The flow of quantities of clouds over the Sultanate's airspace, interspersed with convective rain clouds over some areas

Sultanate of Oman | The flow of quantities of clouds over the Sultanate's airspace, interspersed with convective rain clouds over some areas

Riyadh | Temperatures in the late thirties Thursday and Friday, and expectations to rise again at the beginning of the week

Riyadh | Temperatures in the late thirties Thursday and Friday, and expectations to rise again at the beginning of the week

Saudi Arabia | Thunderstorms widened and intensified again on Thursday

Saudi Arabia | Thunderstorms widened and intensified again on Thursday

Jeddah city | Active winds causing dust and turbulent seas on Thursday

Jeddah city | Active winds causing dust and turbulent seas on Thursday

Levant | More drops in temperatures and cooler-than-usual nights over the weekend

Levant | More drops in temperatures and cooler-than-usual nights over the weekend