local weather news

Jordan | Warning from dust waves on the south and east of the Kingdom on Monday

Jordan | Warning from dust waves on the south and east of the Kingdom on Monday

Tonight | The continuation of moderate weather in various regions

Tonight | The continuation of moderate weather in various regions

Emirates | Signs of the country being affected by unstable weather conditions resulting in thunderstorms in the middle of the week

Emirates | Signs of the country being affected by unstable weather conditions resulting in thunderstorms in the middle of the week

Oman | Signs of an increase in unstable weather conditions after the middle of the week

Oman | Signs of an increase in unstable weather conditions after the middle of the week

Oman | A slight drop in temperatures on Monday and the continued chances of thunderstorms in some areas

Oman | A slight drop in temperatures on Monday and the continued chances of thunderstorms in some areas

Emirates | A slight drop in temperatures on Monday and a weak chance of thunderstorms from rain in limited parts

Emirates | A slight drop in temperatures on Monday and a weak chance of thunderstorms from rain in limited parts

Yemen | Thunderstorm clouds widened in different parts of the country on Monday

Yemen | Thunderstorm clouds widened in different parts of the country on Monday

Iraq | A five-point air depression causes the hot air mass to deepen and the two strong winds blow

Iraq | A five-point air depression causes the hot air mass to deepen and the two strong winds blow

Kuwait | Unstable weather conditions in some areas, the effects of which will be more pronounced on Tuesday

Kuwait | Unstable weather conditions in some areas, the effects of which will be more pronounced on Tuesday

Egypt | A temperate air mass affects the country on Monday. the details

Egypt | A temperate air mass affects the country on Monday. the details

Weather and expected temperatures in Palestine on Monday 26-4-2021

Weather and expected temperatures in Palestine on Monday 26-4-2021

Arab Weather - Video of the weekly weather forecast - (Jordan) (Sunday - 4-25-2021)

Arab Weather - Video of the weekly weather forecast - (Jordan) (Sunday - 4-25-2021)