local weather news

Thursday | An additional drop in temperatures and generally warm spring weather

Thursday | An additional drop in temperatures and generally warm spring weather

Jordan | The continued weak opportunities for local showers of rain in limited parts of the Kingdom during the coming days

Jordan | The continued weak opportunities for local showers of rain in limited parts of the Kingdom during the coming days

Tonight | A further decrease in the nighttime temperatures and a cooler atmosphere in the late hours of the night

Tonight | A further decrease in the nighttime temperatures and a cooler atmosphere in the late hours of the night

Oman | Weather forecast on Thursday 4/22/2021

Oman | Weather forecast on Thursday 4/22/2021

Emirates | The country continues to be affected by the hot air mass on Thursday

Emirates | The country continues to be affected by the hot air mass on Thursday

Weather conditions and expected temperatures in Palestine on Thursday 4/22/2021

Weather conditions and expected temperatures in Palestine on Thursday 4/22/2021

Iraq | A decrease in temperatures on Thursday and the continued chances of thunderstorms in random and limited areas

Iraq | A decrease in temperatures on Thursday and the continued chances of thunderstorms in random and limited areas

Egypt | Temperatures slightly above their averages on Thursday and the continued chances of thunderstorms in limited areas

Egypt | Temperatures slightly above their averages on Thursday and the continued chances of thunderstorms in limited areas

Kuwait | Hot weather on Thursday as the humid eastern winds continued

Kuwait | Hot weather on Thursday as the humid eastern winds continued

Weather and expected temperatures in Saudi Arabia on Wednesday 21-4-2021

Weather and expected temperatures in Saudi Arabia on Wednesday 21-4-2021

Weather conditions and expected temperatures in Jordan on Wednesday 21-4-2021

Weather conditions and expected temperatures in Jordan on Wednesday 21-4-2021

Arab Weather - Video of the main weather forecast - (Jordan) (Wednesday - 21-4-2021)

Arab Weather - Video of the main weather forecast - (Jordan) (Wednesday - 21-4-2021)