local weather news

Saudi Arabia: A successive rise in temperatures in parts of the east and center of the Kingdom, to reach the end of the forties in the coming days

Saudi Arabia: A successive rise in temperatures in parts of the east and center of the Kingdom, to reach the end of the forties in the coming days

Saudi Arabia | Strong winds and possible dust in the coming hours in these areas

Saudi Arabia | Strong winds and possible dust in the coming hours in these areas

Important | A very hot air mass affects Riyadh this week... approaching 50 degrees Celsius

Important | A very hot air mass affects Riyadh this week... approaching 50 degrees Celsius

Weather forecast - Jordan | The stay of the hot air mass causing the heat wave near the Kingdom

Weather forecast - Jordan | The stay of the hot air mass causing the heat wave near the Kingdom

Weekly Bulletin - Saudi Arabia | High temperatures and the temperature touches 50 degrees east

Weekly Bulletin - Saudi Arabia | High temperatures and the temperature touches 50 degrees east

Weather Forecast - Saudi Arabia | High temperatures in most regions on Sunday

Weather Forecast - Saudi Arabia | High temperatures in most regions on Sunday

A Saudi city tops the list of the Kingdom's hottest cities during the first third of summer...and the temperature continues to rise

A Saudi city tops the list of the Kingdom's hottest cities during the first third of summer...and the temperature continues to rise

Saudi Arabia: A rise in temperatures in most parts of the Kingdom, to approach 50 Celsius in some areas this week

Saudi Arabia: A rise in temperatures in most parts of the Kingdom, to approach 50 Celsius in some areas this week

Saudi Arabia | Recording unusually high levels of rainfall during the months of May and April

Saudi Arabia | Recording unusually high levels of rainfall during the months of May and April

Saudi Arabia: Cumulonimbus cloud activity in the coming hours on the southwestern highlands, accompanied by rains of varying intensity

Saudi Arabia: Cumulonimbus cloud activity in the coming hours on the southwestern highlands, accompanied by rains of varying intensity

Weather Forecast - Saudi Arabia | A noticeable rise in temperatures, fog and rain at the end of the week

Weather Forecast - Saudi Arabia | A noticeable rise in temperatures, fog and rain at the end of the week

The influence of the `heat dome` will expand to large parts of the Arab East in the coming days

The influence of the `heat dome` will expand to large parts of the Arab East in the coming days