local weather news

Weather of the Arab world | Temperatures around below average in the Arabian Gulf, and cooler weather than usual in Libya and Algeria

Weather of the Arab world | Temperatures around below average in the Arabian Gulf, and cooler weather than usual in Libya and Algeria

طقس عُمان | طقس مُستقر في أغلب المناطق و السُحب المنخفضة والرذاذ يتواصل على صلالة

طقس عُمان | طقس مُستقر في أغلب المناطق و السُحب المنخفضة والرذاذ يتواصل على صلالة

Weather of the Arab world | A cold air mass affects the Levant, and precipitation falls in some areas

Weather of the Arab world | A cold air mass affects the Levant, and precipitation falls in some areas

Weather of the Arab world | An opportunity for thunderstorms of rain on the Syrian coast and parts of Lebanon, Saturday and Sunday

Weather of the Arab world | An opportunity for thunderstorms of rain on the Syrian coast and parts of Lebanon, Saturday and Sunday

Weather of the Arab world | A slight rise in temperatures in the Levant, and temperatures below average in parts of the Arabian Gulf

Weather of the Arab world | A slight rise in temperatures in the Levant, and temperatures below average in parts of the Arabian Gulf

Weather of the Arab world | Moderate weather and temperatures below average in most regions of the Arabian Peninsula

Weather of the Arab world | Moderate weather and temperatures below average in most regions of the Arabian Peninsula

Weather of the Arab world | Heavy thunderstorms are expected in northeastern Algeria, and a warning of torrential rain

Weather of the Arab world | Heavy thunderstorms are expected in northeastern Algeria, and a warning of torrential rain

Unstable weather in the Maghreb countries, and the opportunity for thunderstorms continues in parts of Saudi Arabia

Unstable weather in the Maghreb countries, and the opportunity for thunderstorms continues in parts of Saudi Arabia

Weather of the Arab world | Thunderstorms in Tunisia and Algeria, warning of the formation of strong torrents

Weather of the Arab world | Thunderstorms in Tunisia and Algeria, warning of the formation of strong torrents

الطقس في دول الخليج العربي .. طقس مُستقر وحار في عُمان والبحرين والكويت واستمرار الأمطار الرعدية جنوب غرب السعودية

الطقس في دول الخليج العربي .. طقس مُستقر وحار في عُمان والبحرين والكويت واستمرار الأمطار الرعدية جنوب غرب السعودية

إعصار دوريان المُدمر يقترب من السواحل الأمريكية خلال الساعات القادمة

إعصار دوريان المُدمر يقترب من السواحل الأمريكية خلال الساعات القادمة

Weather of the Arab world | Heavy thundershowers in large parts of the interior regions of the Kingdom of Morocco and Algeria

Weather of the Arab world | Heavy thundershowers in large parts of the interior regions of the Kingdom of Morocco and Algeria