local weather news

Kuwait | The temperature is approaching 50 degrees Celsius in the Jahra area this Thursday afternoon

Kuwait | The temperature is approaching 50 degrees Celsius in the Jahra area this Thursday afternoon

Saudi Arabia | Temperatures approaching 50 degrees Celsius in many areas on Thursday afternoon

Saudi Arabia | Temperatures approaching 50 degrees Celsius in many areas on Thursday afternoon

After recording record temperatures... American states are facing an exceptional wave of rain that threatens floods in several areas

After recording record temperatures... American states are facing an exceptional wave of rain that threatens floods in several areas

Saudi Arabia | The most important features of the weather condition for Thursday 5/30/2024 in 3 points... Details

Saudi Arabia | The most important features of the weather condition for Thursday 5/30/2024 in 3 points... Details

Mecca and Jeddah | Active winds with strong gusts exceeding 70 km over the weekend... Details

Mecca and Jeddah | Active winds with strong gusts exceeding 70 km over the weekend... Details

Arabian Gulf | Bawarih winds will intensify early next week and a warning of dust waves

Arabian Gulf | Bawarih winds will intensify early next week and a warning of dust waves

Scientifically | What is the heat dome that will cause a strong heat wave in the Arabian Gulf?

Scientifically | What is the heat dome that will cause a strong heat wave in the Arabian Gulf?

Arabian Gulf | The first heat wave to affect the region, with temperatures in the forties in most areas and approaching 50 degrees Celsius in some areas

Arabian Gulf | The first heat wave to affect the region, with temperatures in the forties in most areas and approaching 50 degrees Celsius in some areas

Saudi Arabia | Fiery weather in Mecca tomorrow, with the temperature approaching 50 and the chances of rain declining

Saudi Arabia | Fiery weather in Mecca tomorrow, with the temperature approaching 50 and the chances of rain declining

For the first time this season: The heat dome affects the last days of the month in 7 Arab countries and causes a heat wave and temperatures approaching 50 degrees Celsius.

For the first time this season: The heat dome affects the last days of the month in 7 Arab countries and causes a heat wave and temperatures approaching 50 degrees Celsius.

Special bulletin: The first heat wave to affect the Gulf countries this season during the last days of May

Special bulletin: The first heat wave to affect the Gulf countries this season during the last days of May

Medina | Temperatures will reach the mid-forties in the coming days and may exceed them early next month

Medina | Temperatures will reach the mid-forties in the coming days and may exceed them early next month