local weather news

Jordan - Updated at 12:20 p.m. | Local showers of rain in some northern and central regions, and increasing chances of rain in the coming hours

Jordan - Updated at 12:20 p.m. | Local showers of rain in some northern and central regions, and increasing chances of rain in the coming hours

A historic heat wave affecting Morocco and temperatures of nearly 40 degrees in April!

A historic heat wave affecting Morocco and temperatures of nearly 40 degrees in April!



A heat wave in the western Mediterranean .. Spain records record temperatures, the hottest in April

A heat wave in the western Mediterranean .. Spain records record temperatures, the hottest in April

Saudi Arabia: Rainy clouds recede and temperatures drop in some areas on Saturday

Saudi Arabia: Rainy clouds recede and temperatures drop in some areas on Saturday

Saudi Arabia - Update 7:15 || Cumulus rain bands move to the east and affect parts of the central eastern region

Saudi Arabia - Update 7:15 || Cumulus rain bands move to the east and affect parts of the central eastern region

Jordan: A clear drop in temperatures, with chances of showers of rain in parts of the north and center on Saturday

Jordan: A clear drop in temperatures, with chances of showers of rain in parts of the north and center on Saturday

Saudi Arabia - Update 5:00 PM: Thunderstorms continue to rain in the capital, Riyadh, now

Saudi Arabia - Update 5:00 PM: Thunderstorms continue to rain in the capital, Riyadh, now

Saudi Arabia - Update 4:15 PM: Thunder clouds accompanied by rain of varying intensity and active downward winds over large parts of the Riyadh region, including the capital

Saudi Arabia - Update 4:15 PM: Thunder clouds accompanied by rain of varying intensity and active downward winds over large parts of the Riyadh region, including the capital

Riyadh - 2:30 pm | The development of thunderclouds around the capital, Riyadh, and an increase in the chances of rain and dust during the next hour

Riyadh - 2:30 pm | The development of thunderclouds around the capital, Riyadh, and an increase in the chances of rain and dust during the next hour

Jordan: The Greater Amman Municipality declares a state of light emergency to deal with the expected weather conditions

Jordan: The Greater Amman Municipality declares a state of light emergency to deal with the expected weather conditions

Saudi Arabia 11:55 am | Morning weather fluctuations affecting Makkah and Taif, accompanied by rains of varying intensity

Saudi Arabia 11:55 am | Morning weather fluctuations affecting Makkah and Taif, accompanied by rains of varying intensity