local weather news

Kuwait - Updated at 2:00 pm | Thunderclouds crossing the western skies of the country and heavy rain accompanied by hail in the coming hours

Kuwait - Updated at 2:00 pm | Thunderclouds crossing the western skies of the country and heavy rain accompanied by hail in the coming hours

Iraq | An air depression affecting the northern regions, and rainy winter weather at intervals in those regions

Iraq | An air depression affecting the northern regions, and rainy winter weather at intervals in those regions

Riyadh | A cold air front crosses the capital's atmosphere, and thunderstorms are expected

Riyadh | A cold air front crosses the capital's atmosphere, and thunderstorms are expected

Monitoring a belt of thunderclouds extending from southern Turkey to southern Iraq and covering an area of 1087 km

Monitoring a belt of thunderclouds extending from southern Turkey to southern Iraq and covering an area of 1087 km

Jordan - Updated at 12:20 p.m. | Rain clouds approaching the Kingdom and renewing the rains in the coming hours

Jordan - Updated at 12:20 p.m. | Rain clouds approaching the Kingdom and renewing the rains in the coming hours

Iraq - Updated at 11:10 am | A high-efficiency cold front crosses the country and thunderstorms in a number of regions

Iraq - Updated at 11:10 am | A high-efficiency cold front crosses the country and thunderstorms in a number of regions

Civil Defense: Rescue 3 people who were attacked by torrential waters in Aqaba

Civil Defense: Rescue 3 people who were attacked by torrential waters in Aqaba

UAE | A noticeable decrease in temperatures and dusty weather during the weekend

UAE | A noticeable decrease in temperatures and dusty weather during the weekend

happening now | After Jeddah and Makkah, rainy clouds are now moving towards Taif

happening now | After Jeddah and Makkah, rainy clouds are now moving towards Taif

Kuwait | Despite the sunny and stable weather now... heavy thunderstorms and a warning of torrential rain in the afternoon hours

Kuwait | Despite the sunny and stable weather now... heavy thunderstorms and a warning of torrential rain in the afternoon hours

Iraq - Updated at 9:00 am | The activity of thunderclouds within the country's atmosphere and the expansion of the impact of thunderstorms in the coming hours

Iraq - Updated at 9:00 am | The activity of thunderclouds within the country's atmosphere and the expansion of the impact of thunderstorms in the coming hours

Mecca | Jeddah clouds are developing and moving east to affect Makkah shortly... Details

Mecca | Jeddah clouds are developing and moving east to affect Makkah shortly... Details