local weather news

Jordan - Weather Forecast | A sharp drop in temperatures tomorrow and a relatively cold weather in most regions Sunday 05-03-2023

Jordan - Weather Forecast | A sharp drop in temperatures tomorrow and a relatively cold weather in most regions Sunday 05-03-2023

Jordan - Updated at 6:00 pm | A dust wave off the coast of Palestine, and an increase in dust levels in the north and center of the Kingdom in the coming hours

Jordan - Updated at 6:00 pm | A dust wave off the coast of Palestine, and an increase in dust levels in the north and center of the Kingdom in the coming hours

Saudi Arabia: Unstable weather conditions accompanied by thunderstorms of rain in several regions of the Kingdom during the coming days

Saudi Arabia: Unstable weather conditions accompanied by thunderstorms of rain in several regions of the Kingdom during the coming days

Iraq | Observing a state of atmospheric instability accompanied by thunderstorms of rain in the middle and end of the week

Iraq | Observing a state of atmospheric instability accompanied by thunderstorms of rain in the middle and end of the week

UAE | The country is affected by an air rise in the upper atmosphere and a rise in temperatures in the coming days

UAE | The country is affected by an air rise in the upper atmosphere and a rise in temperatures in the coming days

Saudi Arabia | Areas covered by rain forecasts for Monday 6-3-2023 AD

Saudi Arabia | Areas covered by rain forecasts for Monday 6-3-2023 AD

Iraq | A five-year depression affects the country on Monday, and the temperature exceeds 30 degrees Celsius in Baghdad

Iraq | A five-year depression affects the country on Monday, and the temperature exceeds 30 degrees Celsius in Baghdad

Jordan | A sharp drop in temperatures on Monday and an alert of thermal differences

Jordan | A sharp drop in temperatures on Monday and an alert of thermal differences

Egypt | A gentle air mass affects the country on Monday and Tuesday

Egypt | A gentle air mass affects the country on Monday and Tuesday

Sultanate of Oman: An air rise in all layers of the atmosphere dominates the Sultanate, and there are no indications of weather activities in the near term

Sultanate of Oman: An air rise in all layers of the atmosphere dominates the Sultanate, and there are no indications of weather activities in the near term

Egypt - Alert | The minimum temperatures are approximately 20 degrees Celsius lower than the maximum today in the capital, Cairo

Egypt - Alert | The minimum temperatures are approximately 20 degrees Celsius lower than the maximum today in the capital, Cairo

Hail: Daily chances of thunderstorms in the coming days, God willing

Hail: Daily chances of thunderstorms in the coming days, God willing