local weather news

Riyadh: A gradual rise in temperatures to exceed 30 Celsius in the capital by the end of the week

Riyadh: A gradual rise in temperatures to exceed 30 Celsius in the capital by the end of the week

Saudi Arabia: A warm air mass is gradually dominating the Kingdom, and a significant rise in temperatures in the coming days

Saudi Arabia: A warm air mass is gradually dominating the Kingdom, and a significant rise in temperatures in the coming days

Jordan | The Kingdom continues to be affected by a dry extension of the Red Sea depression on Monday, and a drop in temperatures on Tuesday

Jordan | The Kingdom continues to be affected by a dry extension of the Red Sea depression on Monday, and a drop in temperatures on Tuesday

Egypt: Warm weather during the day in most regions, but it remains cold at night during the coming days

Egypt: Warm weather during the day in most regions, but it remains cold at night during the coming days

Saudi Arabia - Weather Forecast | An air elevation dominates the Kingdom and a gradual rise in temperatures | Sunday 19-02-2023

Saudi Arabia - Weather Forecast | An air elevation dominates the Kingdom and a gradual rise in temperatures | Sunday 19-02-2023

Jordan - Stable weather and temperatures warmer than average most days of the week | Sunday 18-02-2023

Jordan - Stable weather and temperatures warmer than average most days of the week | Sunday 18-02-2023

Iraq | An extension of the Red Sea depression and an expected return to warm weather after a long absence

Iraq | An extension of the Red Sea depression and an expected return to warm weather after a long absence

Kuwait | An extension of the Red Sea depression and a gradual return to warm weather

Kuwait | An extension of the Red Sea depression and a gradual return to warm weather

Know how the Red Sea depression will affect Jordan

Know how the Red Sea depression will affect Jordan

Jordan - Weather Forecast | Stability in the weather and a rise in temperatures on Sunday | Saturday 18-02-2023

Jordan - Weather Forecast | Stability in the weather and a rise in temperatures on Sunday | Saturday 18-02-2023

Saudi Arabia - Weather Forecast | Stable weather and the beginning of high temperatures on Sunday

Saudi Arabia - Weather Forecast | Stable weather and the beginning of high temperatures on Sunday

Jordan | Sunny weather and temperatures above normal on Sunday and Monday

Jordan | Sunny weather and temperatures above normal on Sunday and Monday