local weather news

UAE: Dusty weather at times on Sunday, and a rise in temperatures in the middle of the week

UAE: Dusty weather at times on Sunday, and a rise in temperatures in the middle of the week

Sultanate of Oman: activity of the northern winds and the rise of dust and dirt in the desert areas on Sunday

Sultanate of Oman: activity of the northern winds and the rise of dust and dirt in the desert areas on Sunday

Saudi Arabia: A gradual rise in temperatures is expected in most regions of the Kingdom during the coming days

Saudi Arabia: A gradual rise in temperatures is expected in most regions of the Kingdom during the coming days

Jordan | The return of frost formation tonight and tomorrow morning, and the chances of frost decrease during the weekend nights

Jordan | The return of frost formation tonight and tomorrow morning, and the chances of frost decrease during the weekend nights

Jordan | The coldness in the air has decreased as of Saturday, and the temperatures have gradually risen

Jordan | The coldness in the air has decreased as of Saturday, and the temperatures have gradually risen

Saudi Arabia - Weather Forecast | A cold air mass dominates the Kingdom's atmosphere this weekend | Thursday 16-02-2023

Saudi Arabia - Weather Forecast | A cold air mass dominates the Kingdom's atmosphere this weekend | Thursday 16-02-2023

Jordan - Weather Forecast | Stability in the weather and a rise in temperatures over the weekend | Thursday 16-02-2023

Jordan - Weather Forecast | Stability in the weather and a rise in temperatures over the weekend | Thursday 16-02-2023

Jordan | Consecutive rises in temperatures next week, to rise at night to 7 and 8 degrees Celsius

Jordan | Consecutive rises in temperatures next week, to rise at night to 7 and 8 degrees Celsius

Saudi Arabia | Alert from the activity of the morning winds, which raise dust and dust in large parts of the west of the Kingdom

Saudi Arabia | Alert from the activity of the morning winds, which raise dust and dust in large parts of the west of the Kingdom

Kuwait | An expected deepening of the cold air mass and very cold nights necessitate wearing warmer clothes

Kuwait | An expected deepening of the cold air mass and very cold nights necessitate wearing warmer clothes

Riyadh: A decrease in the temperature on Friday and Great Friday around 15 degrees Celsius, and it will rise again next week, approaching 30 at the end of it.

Riyadh: A decrease in the temperature on Friday and Great Friday around 15 degrees Celsius, and it will rise again next week, approaching 30 at the end of it.

UAE | A noticeable decrease in temperatures at the end of the week, and a warning of a very turbulent sea

UAE | A noticeable decrease in temperatures at the end of the week, and a warning of a very turbulent sea