local weather news

Jordan - Weekly weather forecast | An extension of the Red Sea depression and sporadic rain in some areas Sunday 2-12-2023

Jordan - Weekly weather forecast | An extension of the Red Sea depression and sporadic rain in some areas Sunday 2-12-2023

Jordan | The cold weather is the prominent feature, and a state of atmospheric instability is monitored in the middle of the week

Jordan | The cold weather is the prominent feature, and a state of atmospheric instability is monitored in the middle of the week

Saudi Arabia - Weather Forecast | Cold weather during the day and very cold at night in the north of the Kingdom | Saturday 11-2-2023

Saudi Arabia - Weather Forecast | Cold weather during the day and very cold at night in the north of the Kingdom | Saturday 11-2-2023

Jordan - Weather Forecast | Cold weather during the day and very cold at night | Saturday 11-2-2023

Jordan - Weather Forecast | Cold weather during the day and very cold at night | Saturday 11-2-2023

Saudi Arabia | High chances of rain in these areas on Monday and Tuesday

Saudi Arabia | High chances of rain in these areas on Monday and Tuesday

Riyadh | More rise in temperatures to close to thirty on Sunday

Riyadh | More rise in temperatures to close to thirty on Sunday

Iraq | The very cold air mass will continue to remain near the country during the coming days

Iraq | The very cold air mass will continue to remain near the country during the coming days

Kuwait | Temperatures in the twenties on Sunday, and the cold returns again, starting from Monday

Kuwait | Temperatures in the twenties on Sunday, and the cold returns again, starting from Monday

Egypt | Colder temperatures than average and very cold nights continue

Egypt | Colder temperatures than average and very cold nights continue

Satellite images clearly monitor the snow accumulated over the mountains of the Kingdom

Satellite images clearly monitor the snow accumulated over the mountains of the Kingdom

Jordan | A slight decrease in temperatures on Sunday, with the appearance of clouds at different heights

Jordan | A slight decrease in temperatures on Sunday, with the appearance of clouds at different heights

UAE | The country is affected by a strong air rise in the upper atmosphere during the coming days

UAE | The country is affected by a strong air rise in the upper atmosphere during the coming days