Question & Answer

Question & Answer

Q: How do rockslides occur?

The Answer

Last update 2024.08.24

Arab Weather - Rockslides occur as a result of a group of geographical and geological factors, which can be summarized as follows:

  • Weathering and erosion: Physical and chemical weathering processes, along with erosion, break down and fragment rocks over time, weakening their structure and making them more susceptible to collapse.
  • Sudden changes in temperature: Sudden changes in temperature, and the increase in the thermal range, can cause rocks to expand and contract, leading to cracking and breaking.
  • Heavy rains and floods: These phenomena cause the soil to become saturated with water, which increases its weight and reduces the cohesion of the rocks, which may lead to rock collapses.
  • Human activities: such as drilling, excavation, mining, logging, and road construction in mountainous areas, can negatively affect slope stability and increase the likelihood of landslides.

All of these factors may act individually or in combination to cause rockslides. The causes are often multiple and complex, making it difficult to identify a single factor as the primary cause.

How do rockslides occur?