Question & Answer

Question & Answer

Q: Why do tree leaves fall in the fall?

The Answer

Last update 2021.11.15

Autumn leaf fall is a form of adaptation and self-protection, which trees resort to to protect themselves from the dangers of winter and some environmental changes. The following are the most important reasons for leaf fall in autumn:

  • Freezing: Thin leaves of trees are susceptible to cold temperatures, and since water expands when frozen, the cells in the thinner leaves will rupture during the winter, rendering them useless for photosynthesis.
  • Unproductive appendages: If tree leaves do not fall, they will be damaged in the winter, then this tree will be stuck with thousands of unproductive appendages, at a time when there is no way to make food.
  • Wind: The leaves of trees will also pose a threat to the safety of the plant when faced with strong winter winds, as the force of the wind puts pressure on the broad leaves, and when the tree is cold and brittle, it is easy to break. The same goes for the weight of the snow on all those leaves, which makes trees susceptible to breakage and damage.
  • Regeneration: By the end of summer, many leaves have been eaten by insects, diseased, or damaged, so dropping them gives the plant a fresh start in spring, and nutrients from decaying leaves are recycled to help grow new ones.

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Why do tree leaves fall in the fall?