Question & Answer

Question & Answer

Q: What geographical areas does the Siberian High mainly affect?

The Answer

Last update 2024.09.12

Arab Weather - The Siberian high pressure system mainly affects the following geographical areas:

  1. Siberia and Northeast Asia: Forms over Siberia and extends its influence to Northeast Asia, causing cold, dry weather in winter.
  2. China: It greatly affects northern and central China, contributing to lower temperatures and dry weather.
  3. Korea and Japan: Brings cold and stable weather in winter, with snow falling on the Japanese coasts as a result of interaction with moist winds coming from the ocean.
  4. Mongolia: experiences very cold and dry weather under the influence of the Siberian High.
  5. Parts of Eastern Europe: In some cases, its influence extends to parts of Eastern Europe, bringing with it cold, dry air.

Its effects are more noticeable in winter.

What geographical areas does the Siberian High mainly affect?