weather science

Facts you may know for the first time about the vernal equinox

Facts you may know for the first time about the vernal equinox

Dragon Storm.. and details of the historical depression that affected Jordan and the countries of the eastern Mediterranean in 2020

Dragon Storm.. and details of the historical depression that affected Jordan and the countries of the eastern Mediterranean in 2020

What are polar air masses? What are its characteristics and effects on the weather?

What are polar air masses? What are its characteristics and effects on the weather?

Tens of thousands evacuated due to historic floods in Australia, and Arab weather explains the scientific reasons behind this

Tens of thousands evacuated due to historic floods in Australia, and Arab weather explains the scientific reasons behind this

A few days separate us from the beginning of the spring semester 2022.. When does it start?

A few days separate us from the beginning of the spring semester 2022.. When does it start?

A study warns: Spring will start early in the coming years... What are the reasons and what are the risks?

A study warns: Spring will start early in the coming years... What are the reasons and what are the risks?

The strongest snow storms dominate Jordan and the Levant at this time in 1992... What is their relationship to the violent eruption of the Pinatubo volcano?

The strongest snow storms dominate Jordan and the Levant at this time in 1992... What is their relationship to the violent eruption of the Pinatubo volcano?

Scientifically: What are the reasons behind the formation of Storm Eunice and its gaining all this strength?

Scientifically: What are the reasons behind the formation of Storm Eunice and its gaining all this strength?

The story of the three Jamarat... and the start of warmth with the fall of the first Jamarat on February 20

The story of the three Jamarat... and the start of warmth with the fall of the first Jamarat on February 20

Morocco has witnessed an `unprecedented dry season` for 20 years, and evidence of a gradual change in the climate

Morocco has witnessed an `unprecedented dry season` for 20 years, and evidence of a gradual change in the climate

What is atmospheric pressure?

What is atmospheric pressure?

When does the scorpion season begin in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf countries? What is the reason for calling it that name?

When does the scorpion season begin in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf countries? What is the reason for calling it that name?