Arab Weather - Weather experts at the Arab Weather Regional Center said that the latest outputs of advanced numerical computer models on air mass movements indicate a ripple in the polar jet stream, causing huge polar air masses to rush from the North Pole towards the North Atlantic and parts of Europe, causing severe weather fluctuations. These fluctuations include a significant drop in temperatures and strong winds, with increased snowfall in some areas in northwestern and western Europe.
In detail, a strong high pressure system is forming over the Arctic Circle, causing a break in the polar jet stream. The high pressure system over the pole is enhancing the rush of very cold air masses coming from the North Pole towards the North Atlantic Ocean, which interact with warm and humid weather systems in the ocean, leading to the formation of deep depressions with wide-ranging effects. These depressions are expected to move across the Atlantic Ocean towards northwestern Europe in the form of massive rainstorms, causing atmospheric disturbances and extreme weather patterns that will continue for several days in the coming period.
As the cold winds reach the North Atlantic, they interact with warm, moist atmospheric systems in the ocean, creating deep depressions with widespread impacts. These depressions are expected to move across the Atlantic towards northwestern Europe as massive rainstorms, causing disruptions and extreme weather patterns that will continue for several days to come.
In this context, these storms cause waves to rise significantly on the Atlantic coasts, which may lead to coastal flooding in some low-lying areas.
*And God knows best.*
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