Arabia Weather - Arabia Weather presents to you the expected seasonal weather forecast during the months of November, December and January (1-12-11) for the year 2023, which includes:
General situation:
- Significant weather fluctuations during the remainder of the fall season.
- High chances of floods forming several times due to the nature of the situations that are accompanied by fluctuations in weather systems that lead to rain . This information is only available to subscribers through the premium package from here.
- A good start to the winter season, with expectations of record rainfall amounts above average, and the chances of snowfall also rising over the highlands of the Levant, including Palestine and Jordan, during the month of January.
- Temperatures are colder than usual in Syria and Lebanon, while they are generally close to their average in the south of the Levant, with some very cold periods, especially during the month of January.
Aerial maps
The most important expected weather phenomena
Temperature deviation from general averages
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Rainfall deviation from general averages
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Weather forecast for each month
First month: November 2023
- Rainfall: above average (Syria and Lebanon), around average (Palestine and Jordan)
- Temperatures: above average
- Chance of flash floods: high
- Chance of snow: There are chances on the mountain peaks in Syria and Lebanon
- Description of the weather systems: This month will be characterized, God willing, by sharp differences in the weather, as successive air highs will be concentrated over North Africa and several parts of the European continent, and thus the eastern basin of the Mediterranean will be affected by several relatively cold air masses in some periods, some of which will be rainy, God willing, and seasonally. In between are warm air masses accompanied by temperatures warmer than usual.
Second month: December 2023
- Rainfall: around above average
- Temperatures: around average (Palestine and Jordan), around colder than average (Syria and Lebanon).
- Chance of flash floods: high
- Chance of snow: Generally low in Palestine and Jordan, but moderate to high in the mountains of Syria and Lebanon.
- Description of the weather systems: Indicators for this month indicate increasing vulnerability to the region . This information is only available to subscribers through the premium package from here.
Third month: January 2023
- Rain: This information is only available to subscribers through the premium package from here
- Temperatures: Turn colder than average
- Chance of flash floods: high
- Chance of snow: Medium in Palestine and Jordan, but high in Syria and Lebanon
- Description of the weather systems: The signals this month are less reliable, but they indicate the presence of an air high at several times over the European continent and the central Mediterranean, with Jordan being affected by depressions and integrated winter weather systems that bring with them . This information is only available to subscribers through the premium package from here .
God knows