Climate Report | The development of the `La Nina` phenomenon, but this time in the Atlantic Ocean.. How is that?

2024-08-22 2024-08-22T13:39:03Z
هشام جمال
هشام جمال
كاتب مُحتوى جوّي

Arab Weather - The Atlantic Ocean witnessed a noticeable variation in sea surface temperatures during the current summer, which raises the possibility of the development of the "Atlantic La Nina" phenomenon, according to a report published by the NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. This phenomenon represents an unusual phase in the natural climate pattern of the Atlantic Ocean, and may have significant impacts on weather and climate in different regions. In this article, we will review the details of the "Atlantic La Nina" phenomenon and how it affects weather and climate.

What is the phenomenon of "Atlantic La Nina"?

Meteorologists at the Arab Weather Center said that the La Nina phenomenon usually develops over the waters of the tropical Pacific Ocean, but at the same time there is a La Nina phenomenon developing over the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, which is the cold phase of the Atlantic latitudinal climate pattern, also known as the Atlantic latitudinal pattern. As happens in the Pacific Ocean with the "La Nina" phenomenon, this pattern swings between warm and cold phases every few years. In this pattern, sea surface temperatures in the eastern tropical Atlantic are usually highest in the spring, while they are lowest from July to August, and this is known as the Atlantic La Nina phenomenon.

After rising at the beginning of the year, the surface temperature of the tropical Atlantic Ocean has been cooling recently

Since the first months of 2024, the North Atlantic has experienced above-average sea surface temperatures. However, as June approaches, sea surface temperatures in the tropical Atlantic are 0.5 to 1.0°C below normal. If these cold conditions persist through the end of August, we could officially be in the process of experiencing an Atlantic La Niña.

What is the mechanism behind the summer cooling of the tropical Atlantic Ocean surface?

The mechanism that causes this cooling is atmospheric effects on the ocean surface. The planet has a permanent rain belt around the tropics, which moves northward during the northern hemisphere summer due to strong solar heating. Rainstorms pull air from the southeast over the tropical Atlantic Ocean, causing surface water to be drawn away from the equator. This process, known as “equatorial upwelling,” leads to a tongue of cold water appearing along the tropical Atlantic during the summer months.

What are the effects of the Atlantic La Nina on weather and climate?

According to NOAA, the effects of Atlantic La Nina on weather and climate can be multiple. The effects can be summarized as it may lead to increased rainfall in the Gulf of Guinea, shifts in the rainy season in northeastern South America, and increases the likelihood of developing strong storms near the Cape Verde Islands, a group of islands in the North Atlantic Ocean.

If the Atlantic La Nina fully develops, it could significantly impact weather activity this year’s storm season. NOAA experts said they will continue to monitor the Atlantic La Nina in the coming weeks to determine whether it will fully develop. It will be important to monitor its impact on weather activity and how it will affect global weather. Additionally, studying how human-caused global warming is affecting the frequency of these events will provide important insights into future climate.

In the same context, this climate phenomenon is considered important because it may have significant effects on weather and climate in the Atlantic Ocean and its surroundings. By following the developments of this phenomenon and understanding its potential effects, we can improve our ability to predict and deal with future weather and climate changes.

God knows best.

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This article was written originally in Arabic and is translated using a 3rd party automated service. ArabiaWeather is not responsible for any grammatical errors whatsoever.
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