Arab Weather - February is the second month in the Gregorian calendar (GREGORRIAN CALENDER) and is known in the Arab East as (February), and in the Arabian Gulf, Yemen, and the Nile Valley (February - FEBRAURY) and in the Arab Maghreb it is called (February - FEVRIER)
The term (February) was taken from the eastern “Aramaic-Syriac” calendar, and the Syriac word “February” in Arabic means beating and whipping, and the reason for the name is the severity of the cold and winds at this time of the year.
The number of days in February is (28) days or (29) days in a leap year, as the number of days was originally (30) days, when Emperor Julius Caesar decided to take a day from February and add it to the seventh month of the Gregorian calendar, which he named after himself, “July,” which originally had (30) days, to become 31 days, and to reduce the number of days in February from (30) days to (29) days. After the death of Emperor Julius Caesar, Emperor Octavius Augustus came and decided to name the month in which he was born (the eighth month of the Gregorian calendar) “August,” and following in the footsteps of his predecessor, he ordered that a day be taken from the month of February (the poor one) and added to the month of August, which originally had (30) days, to become 31 days, and to reduce the number of days in February from (29) days to (28) days; These two decisions were at the expense of the poor month of February, whose number of days decreased from 30 to 29 days, and then to 28 days.
Because the number of days in a year is 365 days and a quarter of a day, the sum of the quarter of a day over four years becomes a full day, i.e. 24 hours. Thus, the month of February has 29 days every four years and is called a leap year.
One of its climatic features is that the end of the “Mraba’aniya” and the beginning of the “Khamasiniya” is on the first of February, which is the month of weather fluctuations par excellence. February is the month of cats and is also the month of grape cultivation.
Perhaps the most famous oral proverbs circulating in the Arab East about the month of February are:
See also:
Mallow (grandmothers' food) the lady of wild plants and herbs
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