ArabiaWeather website - Today we present to you a very delicious dish of Greek cuisine, characterized by a wonderful taste that combines the deliciousness of eggplant slices, potatoes dipped in béchamel, and layers of minced meat with delicious sauce. Here is how to make moussaka and its ingredients in the following lines:
Mousaka Ingredients:
- 4 potatoes.
- 3 eggplants.
- 1 kilo of minced veal meat.
- An onion.
- ½ teaspoon sugar.
- 1 tablespoon curry.
- 3 tablespoons tomato sauce.
- Ground cinnamon.
- salt.
- Pepper
- Bechamel sauce (ready-made packages)
- Mozzarella cheese or kashkwan.
How to make mousaka:
- Cut the potatoes and eggplant into circles, then fry them and set them aside.
- Prepare the minced meat sauce: We chop the onion and brown it in oil, then add the meat, pepper, cinnamon, salt, curry and sugar. Stir the mixture well, then add spoons of the sauce to it. Leave it on low heat until the mixture becomes cohesive and thick.
- We prepare the Pyrex dish: first put a layer of potato cutlets, then a layer of meat sauce, then a layer of eggplant, then béchamel, then cheese, and then we repeat the process again until the ingredients are finished.
- Place the Pyrex in the oven for half an hour at 200 degrees.
Bon appetite
See also:
- How to make harissa with delicious cream.
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