Arab Weather - January is the coldest month of the year, and it is also one of the coldest winter months statistically and according to the Kingdom's climate records, as the average temperatures in January are the coldest in the Kingdom's climate records, as the average maximum temperature at Amman Civil Airport in January is 12.8°C and the average minimum temperature is 4.4°C.
Experts at "Arab Weather" said that the largest number of Al-Mraba'aniya days comes in January, as Al-Mraba'aniya begins on December 21 and ends at the end of January, and thus the coldest and rainiest days of the year are considered to be in January.
Below we provide you with the climate statistics for the month of January according to the climate records of the Kingdom, based on data from the Jordanian Meteorological Department:
First: Temperature rates
Second: Rainfall rates
In terms of temperatures, the highest temperature in January was recorded at Amman Civil Airport, east of the capital Amman, on 1/15/1960, reaching 26.3 degrees Celsius, which is about 13.5 degrees Celsius higher than the general average.
While the lowest minimum temperature was recorded at Amman Civil Airport in the same month, which was 7.5 degrees Celsius below zero on 1/2/1973.
In terms of rainfall, the highest rainfall recorded was in January on 1/4/1948, with rainfall amounting to 75.6 mm in just 24 hours.
While the month recorded the highest rainfall total ever in 1974 with a monthly rainfall total of 235.2 mm.
At the Kingdom level, record numbers were recorded in terms of the decrease in temperatures. The lowest temperature recorded at the Shobak monitoring station was 1/7/1992 and reached 14 degrees Celsius below zero.
On 1/3/1990, Al-Baqoura station recorded the highest rainfall in 24 hours, with a total rainfall of 160 mm, while the highest rainfall total during the month was recorded at Al-Tafilah monitoring station, with a total rainfall of 395.5 in 1974.
Experts at Arab Weather said that January is one of the months with the most frequent cold waves, as the average frost formation during the month ranges between 0.1 - 13 days. The Kingdom usually witnesses snowfall in January, and the average number of days of snowfall in January ranges between 0.1 - 2.7 days.
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