Arab Weather - The latest weather maps outputs at the "Arab Weather Center" indicate that the Siberian high pressure system is deepening this night, pushing very cold Siberian winds towards the Kingdom, causing temperatures to drop during the late night hours, dawn and Monday morning to zero levels and perhaps below zero degrees Celsius, with increasing chances of frost formation, especially in the desert and mountainous highlands.
The minimum temperatures at this time of year coincide with sunrise, which is late due to daylight saving time, with the coldest temperatures coinciding with the times of leaving for work and school shortly after 7 a.m. The following are the minimum temperatures expected at 7:30 a.m. on Monday in the Kingdom’s governorates:
God willing, the weather is expected to remain cold and clear on Monday in all regions of the Kingdom, except for the Jordan Valley, the Dead Sea and Aqaba, and temperatures will be around their usual rates.
The cold weather on Monday coincides with very dry weather due to the nature of the dry easterly winds, which increase the coldness and dryness of the atmosphere during their activity.
Tips to warm up your body in the morning
Important recommendations for farmers:
List of expected temperatures on Monday:
Weather forecasters said that weather maps indicate a gradual and slow decline in the Siberian high for the rest of the week and an expected rise in temperatures compared to the current days, with the weather remaining cold during the night, dawn and early morning hours.
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