Jordan | Will the effects of the heat dome, which inflames the weather of the Gulf states with record temperatures, reach the Kingdom this month of July?

2024-07-13 2024-07-13T14:42:32Z
عامر المعايطة
عامر المعايطة
كاتب مُحتوى جوّي

Arabia Weather - The countries of the Arabian Gulf and the Arabian Peninsula are still affected since the beginning of this summer by a long and exhausting heat wave. This heat wave is the result of the development of a heat dome and its stay for a long period over the Arabian Peninsula region, where temperatures in several regions in Saudi Arabia recorded record levels exceeding 50 percent in some areas.


Read also Jordan | As the middle of July approaches, heat waves are still far from the Kingdom and there are no signs of significant increases in temperatures.


Weather forecasters at the Arab Weather Center said that the Kingdom was affected in previous years by the heat dome phenomenon, as happened last summer of 2023, specifically in the month of August, when the Kingdom was affected by a heat wave resulting from the positioning of the seasonal Arab high over the region, supported by an air depression. Heat on the surface coming from the east and accompanied by very hot air masses, this led to a significant rise in temperatures, as temperatures in the capital, Amman, exceeded the 40 degree mark for several days amidst extremely hot and exhausting weather at that time.


The conditions that help, so far, to prevent the Kingdom from being affected by the heat dome phenomenon

Weather forecasters at the Arab Weather Center attribute that the effects of the heat dome centered on the Arabian Peninsula did not reach the Kingdom for several reasons, including:


The dominant atmospheric system in the northern part of the Earth

Looking at the North Pole and the prevailing systems in the northern part of the Earth, despite the beginning of the summer season, we notice the continued rush of upper air depressions coming from the North Pole towards the European continent, specifically the eastern European continent. This forces air masses with lower temperatures to head towards the region coming from East of the European continent, it acts as a barrier to the advance of the Arab air high towards the Jordan and Levant region, so we do not see a significant advance of the air high towards the region. Therefore, even if the high rise advances a little, it does not go deep enough towards the region, forming strong heat waves, and soon the high rise advances until it is forced. Air masses coming from the European continent are retreating south again.


Weak tropical activity and seasonal rains on the Arabian Peninsula


Weather forecasters at the Arab Weather Center said that the weakness of the humid monsoon winds, which are active in some years on the Arabian Peninsula, is an important reason for the failure of the Arabian Ridge to advance towards the north of the Arabian Peninsula and the Levant, as tropical activity over the south and center of the Arabian Peninsula would cause It creates low surface pressure, forcing the upper air high to advance further north, and thus its effects affect the Levant region and the Kingdom. However, at the present time, the prevailing weather system is completely different and does not allow the high air to advance to the north of the Arabian Peninsula.


Looking at the latest weather map outputs at the Taq Al-Arab Center, we find that current indicators do not suggest that the Kingdom will be affected by any heat waves in the near and medium term because the weather system does not, until now, help the heat dome deepen towards the region, and we will provide you with the latest developments in the weather situation in the Kingdom. As soon as it is issued.


This article was written originally in Arabic and is translated using a 3rd party automated service. ArabiaWeather is not responsible for any grammatical errors whatsoever.
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