Maghreb | Strong weather instability for several days, accompanied by heavy rains and hailstorms

2024-09-18 2024-09-18T10:01:12Z
هشام جمال
هشام جمال
كاتب مُحتوى جوّي

Arab Weather - Weather experts at the Arab Weather Center said that as a result of the undulation of the polar jet stream, a cold air mass rushed into the upper layers of the atmosphere centered towards southwestern Europe, accompanied by a highly effective low pressure system. This weather system is expected to cause strong atmospheric instability in the Maghreb countries, and this type of weather condition is usually accompanied, as a result of its combination of winter and autumn characteristics, by strong ascending air currents, which produces exceptional hailstorms accompanied by large hailstones, which damages public property.


The effects of the rainy situation include 4 Arab countries and are accompanied by heavy thunderstorms and hailstorms.


In this context, as a result of the warming in the Mediterranean and the passage of cold air in the upper layers of the atmosphere, and in conjunction with the rush of tropical moisture, a state of complex characteristics of atmospheric instability is formed over 4 Arab countries (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and northwestern Libya) starting from the evening of Wednesday 9/14/2024, and intensifying on Thursday. Thus, thunderclouds are formed that grow to towering levels in the atmosphere.


This condition is accompanied by severe weather phenomena, such as heavy rain, thunderstorms and lightning, strong hailstorms with large hailstones, and strong downward winds. The terrain and topography of the land contribute to the process of lifting the air, especially the Atlas Mountains and neighboring areas. Mountain valleys and low-lying areas are susceptible to the sudden formation of torrential floods, in addition to the high risk of flooding in several areas due to the large amounts of rain expected in some areas.


God knows best.

This article was written originally in Arabic and is translated using a 3rd party automated service. ArabiaWeather is not responsible for any grammatical errors whatsoever.
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