Arab Weather - Computer simulation outputs indicate that central and southern Europe will be affected by a strong low pressure system that will bring heavy rain and snow, and as a counter-reaction, the eastern Mediterranean basin will be affected by a high pressure system in all layers of the atmosphere until the end of this week, which will impose generally stable weather.
In detail, the latest satellite images show the rush of a polar air mass of very cold origin, carrying large amounts of moisture towards central and southern Europe, leading to the formation of a deep low pressure system accompanied by heavy rains in many coastal and low-lying areas, sometimes accompanied by thunderstorms, leading to the formation of torrents and floods.
While the rain will be in the form of heavy snow over most of the European mountain heights, where snow will fall for several days and will be heavy and accumulating, the snow will include the highlands of Spain, Italy and France, and will extend towards the Balkan highlands. It is not unlikely that the snow thickness will reach about a meter over some peaks, especially those located between France and Spain.
Scientifically, the weather systems in the Northern Hemisphere are linked to each other, as the relationship between the shape of the weather systems in southern Europe and the Maghreb countries is inverse. In order for the countries of the eastern Mediterranean basin to be affected by depressions and winter systems, a high must be centered over southwestern Europe and the Maghreb countries.
But in the current situation, the rush of cold winds towards the aforementioned regions leads to the displacement of warm winds from their rates towards the countries of the eastern Mediterranean, which results in a delay in rainfall and the control of high-pressure systems that prevent the advance of winter depressions towards the region.
God knows best.
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