The month of July in the collective heritage of the Arab Levant

2024-07-02 2024-07-02T09:48:23Z
د . أحمد الشريدة
د . أحمد الشريدة
محاضر أكاديمي في عدد من الجامعات الأردنية من عام 1996 ومستشار إعلامي وصحفي مستقل

Weather of Arabia - The month of July is the seventh month in the Gregorian calendar. It is known in the Arab East as (Juillet), and in the Arabian Gulf, Yemen and the Nile Valley (July), and in the Maghreb it is called (Juillet).

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What does the word Tammuz mean?

The name Tammuz is a Babylonian word taken from the Sumerian word (son of life), and by it is meant the god whose servant, the Sumerians and Akkadians, dies and lives, and this month was dedicated to his worship. The Syriac Arameans transferred this name to the Arab East, and it is still used today.
As for the name “July”.!
It was named July by the Roman Senate in honor of the Roman general Julius Caesar, the month in which he was born.

Number of days in July

The number of days in the month of July is (31) and it is the fourth month of seven months that number 31 days when Emperor Julius Caesar decided to take a day from the month of February and add it to the month of July, which originally had a number of days (30). One day to become 31 days, and the number of days in February will decrease from (30) days to (29) days.

The most famous popular oral proverbs circulating in the Arab Levant about the month of July

Below are the most famous popular oral proverbs circulating in the Arab Levant about the month of July

  1. “In July, water boils in the jug.” That is, the temperature of the water rises in the water bottle, jar, or container.
  2. Tammuz is the time when the grapes and the cob are cooked...that is, the fruit of the grapes - the vine - and the aloes (the prickly fig) becomes ripe.
  3. “In July, patience becomes like a cup.”

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This article was written originally in Arabic and is translated using a 3rd party automated service. ArabiaWeather is not responsible for any grammatical errors whatsoever.
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