The story of Isra and Mi'raj

2023-02-17 2023-02-17T08:28:28Z
طقس العرب
طقس العرب
فريق تحرير طقس العرب

The ritual of the Arabs - Isra is defined as the transition of the Prophet - upon him be peace and blessings - with Jibril - peace be upon him - at night from the Sacred House in Makkah Al-Mukarramah to Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem on the riding of Al-Buraq, and as for the Mi’raj, it is their ascent from Jerusalem to the highest heavens. The occurrence of this incident has been proven in the Qur’an and the Sunnah, and the testimony of the honorable Companions to that effect, and it is part of God’s honoring of His Prophet.

The reason for the journey of Isra and Mi'raj

  • It was an alleviation of his pain and sorrows - may God bless him and grant him peace - because of the harm he received from his people.
  • Upholding the status of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and honoring him.
  • It was a way of comforting the Prophet and entertaining him, and an introduction to him of his status and his value with God Almighty -, after which he began a new stage of his call, [1] In addition to that it was a great virtue for the Prophet - upon him be blessings and peace -.
  • Compensation for the Prophet - upon him be prayers and peace - for what he encountered from the people of Taif and their denial of him. The Almighty said: (That bounty is from God.
  • Informing the Prophet - upon him be prayers and peace - of the great signs of God Almighty, he says - the Almighty - about the journey of Isra: (to show him of Our signs), and he said - the Almighty - about the journey of the Mi'raj: (he has seen of the great signs of his Lord), because of the ability in that To face the difficulties of the call that he encounters, and from the scenes that the prophets and messengers saw, and some scenes of heaven and hell, and so on.

The events of the Night of Isra and Miraj

Preparing for the journey of Isra and Miraj

Imam al-Bukhari - may God have mercy on him - included in his Sahih the incident of the Isra’ al-Mi’raj, where the Prophet - may blessings and peace be upon him - was lying on his back in the house of Umm Hani’, so the roof of the house opened, and two angels in the form of humans descended from it, so they took him to the wreckage at Zamzam, and then slit his chest. They took out his honorable heart and washed it with Zamzam water, filling it with faith and wisdom.

The wisdom in that is to prepare the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - for what he will witness, and to be a preparation for him in terms of certainty and spirituality. Exposure to divert it from its reality, due to the validity of the ability, so nothing of that is impossible.

Al-Buraq and Al-Israa ride to Al-Aqsa Mosque

Then Gabriel - upon him be peace - came to the Prophet with the beast of Al-Buraq, which is an animal smaller than a horse and larger than a donkey, placing its hoof at the end of its tip; That is, it puts its steps and reaches as far as it can see, so when the Prophet - upon him be peace and blessings be upon him - rode it, it did not stand.

Until Gabriel - upon him be peace - told him to prove it, and no one better than him rode it.

Ascension to heaven

The Prophet and Gabriel ascended to the lowest heaven, and he saw - upon him be peace and blessings - Adam - upon him be peace -, and welcomed him, and peace be upon him replied, and showed him the souls of the martyrs on his right, and the souls of the wretched on his left, then he ascended to the second heaven, and he saw in it Yahya and Jesus - peace be upon them both. - He greeted them.

Then he ascended to the third heaven and saw Joseph - peace be upon him - in it, then he saw Idris - peace be upon him - in the fourth heaven, Aaron - peace be upon him - in the fifth heaven, and Moses - peace be upon him - in the sixth heaven, and in the seventh heaven he saw Abraham - peace be upon him. And all of them greet him and acknowledge his prophethood.

Then he climbed to Sidrat al-Muntaha and al-Bayt al-Ma`mur, then he ascended above the seventh heaven, and he spoke to God Almighty, and he imposed fifty prayers on him, and the Prophet kept reviewing him until he made them five, and he was offered milk and wine, so he chose milk, and he was told that he had afflicted the fitrah, and he saw the rivers of Paradise Two are visible, and two are inward, and he saw the keeper of the fire - Malik -, and he saw usury devourers, unjustly consuming orphans' money, and many other scenes.

Source: topic

This article was written originally in Arabic and is translated using a 3rd party automated service. ArabiaWeather is not responsible for any grammatical errors whatsoever.
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