What if trees disappeared from the earth?

2023-09-25 2023-09-25T22:43:15Z
طقس العرب
طقس العرب
فريق تحرير طقس العرب

Arabia Weather - Trees have an important role in preserving the planet from climate change, extreme weather, and other environmental problems, and it is almost difficult to imagine life without them, but in our current time, with the increase in fires and the increase in tree cutting operations, it has become necessary to realize the importance and prominent role of trees in Preserving the ecosystem on planet Earth, reminding us of the necessity of its existence, preserving it, and making sure to plant it around us. To be able to realize this, let us imagine life without trees. What would happen?


The impact of disappearing trees on climate change

The disappearance of trees and forests will cause an increase in climate change phenomena, through the release of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that were stored in trees and soil, and this in turn will affect the weather, rainfall and temperatures. For example, the loss of forests in central Africa affects rainfall in central Africa. Western United States.


The effect of the disappearance of trees on oxygen

Oxygen constitutes approximately 21% of the Earth's atmosphere, and half of this oxygen is produced through the process of photosynthesis in plants and trees on Earth, and the other half is produced in the oceans through microscopic aquatic organisms known as phytoplankton, and when the trees disappear, the environment will not be empty. Of oxygen, it will even decrease, as one tree with leaves can produce an amount of oxygen sufficient for ten people in one year.


The effect of disappearing trees on air pollution

Trees play a vital role in reducing pollution levels in cities as they act as giant natural filters whose role is to trap airborne particles and absorb many harmful pollutants such as ozone, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide and other greenhouse gases. Tree leaves perform this function through the holes in them.

In 2012, a study showed that outdoor air pollution causes about 3.7 million premature deaths worldwide. If trees disappear, it will be difficult for humans to get clean air, and wearing masks to prevent air pollution may become necessary.


The impact of the disappearance of trees on the decline in biodiversity

Forests are home to about 70% of all living organisms on Earth. This means that forests play an essential role in supporting biodiversity, a concept that refers to the multiplicity and diversity of living organisms found in the environment. Maintaining this diversity is important because each species plays a unique and important role in the environment. If forests become extinct, it will cause the extinction of many living organisms, greatly affecting the ecological balance.


The effect of the disappearance of trees on animals

The disappearance of trees causes a negative impact on animals and the ecosystem in general. When trees disappear, animals lose their habitats, food and water sources, forcing them to search for new environments and increasing their chances of exposure to danger and disturbance.

For example, elephants depend on trees for food and water, and when trees disappear, it becomes difficult for them to find food sources and clean water, leading to health problems and nutritional deficiencies. In addition, they are more vulnerable to poaching and poaching.

For monkeys and other animals that depend on trees for food and shelter, the disappearance of trees reduces their chances of survival and reproduction. In addition, it can increase animal competition for available resources in remaining areas, further disrupting the ecosystem.

Preserving forests and trees is essential to maintaining ecological balance and the health of the ecosystem and the organisms that depend on these environments.


Increasing problem of desertification

Trees play an important role in regulating the environment and climatic conditions. It contributes to regulating temperatures through the process of evaporating water from its leaves and cooling the air around it. In summer, trees can maintain moisture in the environment and reduce temperatures through this process, which contributes to providing a comfortable environment for living organisms.

In addition, trees affect the distribution of rainfall. For example, trees absorb part of the rain and store it in their tissues, then gradually release this water over time through an evaporation process called “vegetative respiration.” This contributes to the distribution of rainfall throughout the year and contributes to preventing excessive floods and droughts.

If trees disappear, those processes could change dramatically, which could lead to significant fluctuations in temperature and rainfall pattern, which could negatively impact the environment, agriculture and wildlife.


Increased global warming

  • Trees play an important role in balancing carbon dioxide (CO2) levels in the atmosphere. It carries out photosynthesis, which allows it to absorb carbon dioxide and convert it to oxygen and carbohydrates during the growth process. This carbon absorbed and stored in tree structures reduces its accumulation in the atmosphere, and thus trees play an important role in reducing global warming and climate change.

When trees are disposed of or cut down significantly, additional levels of carbon dioxide are released into the atmosphere, which increases global warming and affects the climate. For this reason, preserving forests and planting more trees is an important part of efforts to address climate change and maintain environmental health.


  • Deforestation contributes significantly to greenhouse gas emissions and the greenhouse effect. Trees are not only a source of carbon dioxide absorption but also play an important role in cooling the Earth's temperature and preventing it from rising uncontrollably.

Forests provide shade areas and reduce the impact of direct sunlight on the Earth's surface, and they evaporate water from leaves and soil in what is known as environmental cooling. This helps maintain suitable temperatures and reduces the impact of harsh heat waves. If forests were cleared, this natural cooling mechanism would be significantly affected, increasing Earth's surface temperatures and leading to an increase in extreme weather events such as drought and warming.


For this reason, preserving forests, replanting them and combating their deforestation is an important part of efforts to combat climate change and maintain environmental balance.



This article was written originally in Arabic and is translated using a 3rd party automated service. ArabiaWeather is not responsible for any grammatical errors whatsoever.
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