Arab Weather - September is the ninth month in the Gregorian Roman solar calendar.
What does September mean?
- "Aylul": A word taken from the "Aramaic-Syriac language", equivalent in Arabic to the word (Wal) meaning "screaming and wailing". In this month, mourning (lamentation) is held for the god "Tammuz".
- September: September in Latin means "seven", i.e. the seventh month of ten months in the oldest Roman calendar, the calendar of Romulus 750 BC. After the calendar reform that added January and February to the beginning of the year, September became the ninth month, but it kept its name. September was called the "harvest month" in Charlemagne's calendar.
Number of days in September and its occasions:
- It is the third month of four months that have (30) days.
- September 1 is considered the beginning of autumn in meteorology.
- September 22nd marks the autumnal equinox, the end of summer astronomically and the beginning of autumn in the Northern Hemisphere. This is when day and night are of equal length.
- It is where the "Bawahir" is held, which is a traditional Eastern method of predicting the weather conditions in the coming rainy season using rock salt.
- The last night of September, Tuesday 09/17/2024 AD, is the night of the "Harvesters Moon", when the moon becomes full or complete, and its brightness and shine become distinctive, lighting up the sky throughout the night and turning the night into semi-day. Its nighttime lighting is considered the strongest during the year.
- September marks the beginning of the church year in the Eastern Orthodox Church.
- The Feast of the Cross falls on September 14 according to the Western calendar - and September 27 according to the Eastern calendar.
- The beginning of the school year in many countries in the Northern Hemisphere, when students return to school after the summer holidays, sometimes on the first day of September.
- September is the month of pomegranate fruit par excellence, as it is the time of ripening and harvesting.
The most famous oral proverbs in the Arab East about the month of September
- (September's tail is wet) meaning that rain may fall in the last days of September, and it is considered the most popular proverb that is widely circulated in the Arab world.
- September: The first third is acceptable, the second third is balanced, and the third third is wet.
- September at the end reveals all the unknown.. (As many people used to look at the last days of September as an indicator of the state of the year in terms of rain and cold.
- If Suhail appears, do not feel safe from the flood... (The Bedouins believe that the weather changes when the Suhail star appears in September, and it is a sign of rain.)
- In September, the harvest of chickpeas, lentils and beans is ready.
- Contemporary September... (a name given to the month of September, when olives and grapes are pressed in its late stages to make molasses).
- Pomegranate clouds herald the arrival of rain to the Arabs.. (September clouds, the period of pomegranate ripening, herald the arrival of rain.
- After the cross, all green things turn gray... (the leaves of the trees turn yellow... their fruits decrease and their greenness disappears.
- If it is crucified, it will be destroyed.. (i.e. with the passage of the Feast of the Cross, the length of the day will decrease, the intensity of the sun will diminish, and the weather will become disturbed.
September occupied the largest share in Fairuz’s songs, such as (The yellow leaves of September are under the windows), (September has returned, and you are far away in my sad clouds), (September makes me cry every day), (September nights are like your eyes), (And we remain my beloved, a stranger, and a stranger, me and September)
See also:
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