Question & Answer

Question & Answer

Q: What are cos winds?

The Answer

Last update 2024.07.07

Weather of Arabia - At the beginning of July, the “Cous winds” are active in the southern outskirts of the Arabian Peninsula, affecting the Emirates, Oman and Yemen, and extending until mid-September to reach the Arabian Gulf. These winds come from India and greatly affect the eastern coasts, causing high waves and carving out the sandy coasts, and helping to moderate the heat due to their high humidity.
The Kouss winds are divided into “early Kouss” and “southern Kouss”, and their strength and humidity increase in the second half of summer and when they collide with the Hajar Mountains in the Emirates and Oman, they form cumulus clouds and heavy rains known as “Al-Raiha” or “Al-Rawayh”.

What are cos winds?