Question & Answer

Question & Answer

Q: What are the layers of Earth's atmosphere?

The Answer

Last update 2022.02.10

The Earth's atmosphere consists of 4 main layers, which are:

1. Troposphere: It is the lowest layer of the atmosphere, and it is characterized by the following:

  • It extends from the Earth's surface to an average height of 18 km at the equator, and to a height of 9 km at the poles.
  • The temperature in this layer decreases with altitude by 6.5 degrees Celsius per kilometer.
  • In the lower troposphere, the temperature decreases horizontally from the equator to the poles.
  • There is a horizontal and vertical movement of the wind.
  • It contains most of the water vapor in the atmosphere in all its forms.
  • The layer is characterized by instability, in which convective currents, turbulence, and most weather phenomena, aviation, precipitation, clouds ... etc. occur.
  • This layer contains between 80-85% of the mass of the atmosphere.
  • The end of the troposphere is called the tropopause.


2. The stratosphere: It is the second layer of the atmosphere, and it is characterized by the following:

  • It extends from the tropopause to a height ranging between 50-55 km from the earth's surface.
  • The temperature increases with altitude.
  • It is completely stable and free from vertical air currents, and free from weather phenomena.
  • Water vapor is absent.
  • Ozone gas is dispersed.
  • The end of the layer is an imaginary surface called the stratopause.


3. The Mesosphere: The third layer of the atmosphere, and is characterized by the following:

  • It extends from the stratopause to a height of 80 km from the earth's surface.
  • The temperature decreases with altitude.
  • There are some air vortices.
  • Water vapor is absent.
  • It does not have weather phenomena.
  • The end of the layer is an imaginary surface called the mesopause.


4. Thermosphere: The fourth layer of the atmosphere and is characterized by the following:

  • It extends from the mesopotamia to the end of the atmosphere.
  • The temperature increases with altitude due to the absorption of ultraviolet rays by atomic oxygen.
  • Diffusion of ions, especially ions of oxygen and nitrogen.

What are the layers of Earth's atmosphere?