Question & Answer

Question & Answer

Q: Why is the summer solstice considered the longest day of the year?

The Answer

Last update 2024.06.20

Arabia Weather - The twentieth of June 2024 marks the official beginning of summer in the northern hemisphere, and this day is considered the longest day of the year. The June solstice occurs when the North Pole is tilted toward the sun at its greatest angle, bringing the sun perpendicular to 23.5 degrees north latitude along the Tropic of Cancer. As a result of this sharp tilt, the sun's rays reach the northernmost point of the equator, making the sun move on its longest path in the sky of the northern hemisphere. The solstice on this day coincides with the shortest night of the year, as the sun does not descend below the horizon after it sets. Largely as in the nights of previous months. The solstice is usually accompanied by a change in the movement of the sun, as it tilts below the horizon instead of descending completely, leading to a longer than usual twilight period before sunrise and after sunset.

The visibility of the twilight becomes weaker the further south we go, but in contrast, as we get further from the equator, we can see the sun crossing the horizon at a lower angle, making the days much longer than usual at other times of the year.

Why is the summer solstice considered the longest day of the year?