Question & Answer

Question & Answer

Q: What dangers do turbulence pose to aviation?

The Answer

Last update 2024.05.28

  • The difficulty of flying the plane during take-off, landing, and low-flying, especially over mountainous areas when entering areas of turbulence , because any height the plane loses due to turbulence may lead to the plane colliding with the ground.
  • Flying and scattering of loose objects inside the aircraft when exposed to air turbulence , such as bags and others, in a way that poses a danger to passengers.
  • Feeling extremely tired while flying for a long time in an area of turbulence due to the vigilance, caution, and effort made by the pilot to maintain the plane’s balance.
  • Ice may form on aircraft in turbulence to a greater extent than outside it due to the lower temperature of the rising air.
  • When exposed to turbulence, aircraft instrument readings cannot be relied upon due to the fluctuation of their indicators and the inaccurate readings they give.
  • Cumulus clouds are filled with deadly air shear that could cause the plane to crash.
What dangers do turbulence pose to aviation?