Does hot weather make you angrier? Here's why

2024-08-05 2024-08-05T08:11:30Z
ندى ماهر عبدربه
ندى ماهر عبدربه
صانعة مُحتوى

Weather of Arabia - In our daily language, we find expressions such as “ the fire of anger was kindled ” or “ the war broke out ” indicating the existence of a relationship between heat and negative feelings, especially anger, but can this relationship be correct from a scientific standpoint?

A study reveals the relationship between anger and high temperatures

In September of last year, the University of California, Berkeley, released a study indicating that high temperatures may increase aggression in some people, especially when they feel marginalized. About 2,000 volunteers participated in this study, who were divided into two groups:

  • The first is in a room in California, United States, with a temperature of 22 degrees Celsius
  • The second was in a room in Nairobi, Kenya, at a temperature of 30 degrees Celsius

They were subjected to decision-making and cognitive tests, and the performance of individuals in the two rooms was compared.

The results concluded that there were no significant differences in most cases between the performance of individuals in the two chambers, and that their decision-making abilities were not affected, but in a test that included the promise of financial rewards to some individuals, and then withholding them from them, the reaction of the individuals in the Nairobi chamber was harsher compared to the individuals in the California chamber. , which indicates the effect of temperature on decision making.

The effect of temperature on aggression

This is not the first time that scientists have observed the effect of heat on aggressive behavior. In the 1990s, researchers proposed the “heat hypothesis” to explain the rise in violent crimes in the summer, as the homicide rate in the United States rises by 2.7%, and aggressive acts increase in hotter areas. The basic idea It is that high temperatures are more likely to make us lose our temper and feel angry.

Also in 2017, experiments that divided participants into two rooms with different temperatures indicated an increase in hostility in the thoughts, feelings, and behavior of those sitting in the hot rooms, with hostility increasing the longer the stay in those rooms.

  • Historical experiences

Famous experiments were conducted three decades ago when Aldert Fridge and his colleagues from the University of Portsmouth in Amsterdam subjected a group of 38 police officers to experiments related to their exercise in rooms of different temperatures, and then compared their results. The results indicated that officers in the hot room were more likely to suspect people and increase their hostility, and were 85% more likely to draw their pistols compared to 45% in the cold room.

Other studies have shown that violent crimes such as murder, aggravated assault and mass shootings are more likely when temperatures are higher and even in controlled environments like prisons, a 2021 study found an 18% increase in violence among inmates on very hot days.

Alternative explanations for increased crime in hot weather

Of course, there are other explanations for these links between crime and rising temperatures, such as more people going outside in hot weather, making random fights more likely. However, several studies have confirmed that hot weather increases the likelihood of tantrums. In 2016, psychologists at Texas Tech University found that American football players were more likely to commit aggressive fouls during hot weather.

The effect of heat on the body

High temperature can cause a state of physical discomfort, which we notice on very hot days. This feeling of discomfort may increase tension, irritation, and frustration, making people more likely to act aggressively toward minor provocations.

In addition, rising temperatures often coincide with increased outdoor activities and social interactions, leading to crowding. Crowded environments can increase stress and aggression along with the effect of heat. Scientists believe that there are physiological effects that cause the relationship between anger and heat, as our bodies cannot easily deal with extreme temperatures. When the temperature exceeds certain limits, our performance in various tasks begins to deteriorate, and our bodies are affected in a way that affects our emotions.

  • Psychological explanations

Some researchers believe that human brains have adapted over time to deal with everything associated with heat with extreme caution. The effect is not limited to the physiological effect of the fire itself, but also includes the mere mention of fire or the display of its images. Even feeding our minds thoughts about heat can cause angry thoughts.

  • Biological explanations

There are also biological explanations, with recent Scandinavian research identifying a link between higher temperatures and higher levels of serotonin, a brain chemical linked to impulsivity.

How to control anger in the summer

Here are some tips to help you control your anger during hot days:

  1. Stay in cool places: Try to stay in air-conditioned or shaded places out of direct sun. If you don't have air conditioning, use fans or look for air-conditioned public places like malls or libraries.
  2. Drink plenty of water: Make sure to drink sufficient amounts of water throughout the day. Dehydration can increase feelings of fatigue and irritability, so staying hydrated can help reduce stress.
  3. Shower with cold water: Bathing with cold water can help lower your body temperature and feel refreshed, reducing feelings of discomfort and anger.
  4. Avoid stressful activities: Try to avoid stressful physical activities during times of extreme heat, as they can increase your body temperature and lead to increased stress and anger.
  5. Practice relaxation techniques: Make time to practice relaxation techniques such as meditation or yoga. These activities can help calm your mind and reduce stress.
  6. Deep breathing: When you feel angry, take a deep, slow breath. Deep breathing technique helps calm the nervous system and relieve stress.
  7. Plan ahead: Try to plan your daily tasks so that you avoid peak times of high temperatures. Doing activities early in the morning or evening can be more relaxing.
  8. Talk to a trusted person: Sometimes just talking about your feelings with someone you trust can help relieve stress and anger. Feel free to share your feelings with friends or family.
  9. Wear light clothing: Wearing loose, light clothing can help keep your body cool.
  10. Eating cold foods: Eating cold foods such as fruits and vegetables can help reduce body temperature.
  11. Listen to soothing music: Soothing music can help calm the nerves and reduce stress.

By following these tips, you can reduce the effect of heat on your mood and stay calm during the summer.

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This article was written originally in Arabic and is translated using a 3rd party automated service. ArabiaWeather is not responsible for any grammatical errors whatsoever.
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